Thirteen - "Forced soul mate."

Start from the beginning

"Then tell me." I got up too. It seemed my skipping skills had also fled.

"Beverley is, not as perfect or happy as she seems. Everyone thinks she has it easy but they should think again.

She basically grew up alone in a big empty house. Birthdays alone, nobody was there for her except me. Sometimes I think that's why she created YouTube. Maybe to get away and do something she enjoyed whilst getting more and more friends online?

I was the only one there for her. I guess she saw me as her hero. The fact is I don't feel the same. And I feel as if I'm lying every time I kiss her. Every time I sing to her, even if I always used to do it as a kid, it just doesn't feel right because I know how she feels." His fists were clenched now. There was clear frustration on his face and a storm in his eyes.

Then he started to calm down and be turned to me with a gentle gaze.

"But you." He started walking back to me.

"'Me?" I whispered.

"I don't know how, or why, but when I'm with you it just feels right. And I hate denying myself that."

Just as he was about to take my hand again he drop his arm. He walked past me and sat back down, running a frustrated hand through his curly hair.

As much as I wanted to be extremely selfish at that moment. As much as I wanted him to kiss me and forget about everybody else, I couldn't.

Not when Casey was hurt. Not when I just found out Beverley was human. Screw you conscience!

I sat down next to him again and we were quiet for a bit. No contact, just the sound of our breathing and our suppressed thoughts in the night.

"Are you and Casey okay?" I bit my lip.

"Yeah, I guess. He's not mad, he's just hurt."

Those words crushed me. My Casey was hurt because of me.

"Is it me?" I exhaled.

"He just wants to talk but will not make the first move. I can't say more. It's not my place to say." Vlad stood up and held out his hand.

"Let's go." He smiled.

I took it and we walked back to camp. He dropped me off at my tent.

"Sleep tight you loud grizzly bear." He said referring to my snoring. "And say hi to your new friend."

He left to his tent and I got into mine. Kenya was still fast asleep. I was super careful to not wake her up and got to sleep.

The following morning at breakfast I saw Casey coming into the kitchen and going for our favorite cereal. The box was empty and it was the last one.

I had just taken a box and decided to use this to talk to him. I got up and went to him.

"Want some?" I shook the box of Coco Pops and his eyes lit up.

"Yes." He grabbed it out of my hand and poured everything in his bowl, leaving me with nothing at all.

"Casey! Give some back." I ordered and he crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Make me!" He raised a brow.

The little...

Easy tiger. Fight fire with kindness. Lots of it. Even if you want to too his head off.

"You know what. Case can we talk?" Not one insult came out of his mouth during our little exchange and that was worrying.

"Why?" He was being so stubborn.

"Because Casey, I miss you."

He seemed to have softened up at that and exhaled.

"Fine." He said. I took his hand and we went into his tent. Vlad wasn't there.

"Casey, first of all, can we talk about that kiss?" I bit my lip nervously.

He blushed and looked down.

"Wow, uh. I guess I just acted on impulse that night and I'm sorry. I know that was your first kiss and I'm sorry I stole it." He looked embarrassed.

"Do you hate me?" I looked into his eyes.

I wouldn't be surprised if he said yes. He probably knows that nothing happened between me and Vlad by now  but it still sucks to see the person you like all cuddled up with someone else. I would know.

I thought of the night at Vlad's party when Beverley possessively snogged him in front of me.

"No. I could never hate you widdle Lily." He smiled.

"I'm so sorry Case." I hugged him tightly, missing my friend.

"I'm sorry too, loser. I'll stand by you okay. That bitch Beverley getter watch out. We'll eat what we want!" He said.

I laughed hysterically and nodded.

"Hell yes!"

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