Three - "I want to be popular!"

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"Aww is widdle Lily sad?" He pinched my cheeks and I smacked his hands away.

"Stop being an ass and I'll tell you." I said, he was so annoying.

"Okay shoot." He smiled

"It was actually really weird..." I filled him in on the details of my nightmare and why I think I got it.

"Lily you know you don't need to be popular. I mean so what if I'm your only friend, I care about you way more than 500 fake friends on Instagram would. Come on don't fall into that trap." He said

I sighed and looked down.

"I'm not falling into any trap. I just, want to be seen for once. Just let me handle this." I said quietly

He hesitated before nodding.


Mrs Veronica set down the Maths paper. I gripped my pencil tightly and began to panic.

Okay Lily, calm down you studied for this. Easy Peasy lemon squeezy!

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath before starting to write.


"I got a B! A freaking B! Oh yeah!" I danced around Casey in a rather unladylike manner and he laughed.

"That's great Lily! I knew you could do it." He clapped

"You know what this means? I'm free! And my baby, oh my baby is coming back home." I said happily and Casey laughed shaking his head.

"That thing is going to ruin you." He said

I gasped.

"How dare you! That's my child you're talking about. Shame on you Casey Griffin!" I stomped away from him.

"Oh come on drama queen. Hey slow down damn your fast." He jogged to catch up to me.

I pulled my tongue out at him.

"Loser, you never told me how your driving test went." I reminded

"Oh yeah! I'm surprised I didn't come bragging in your face yet. I arrived late but it didn't matter because this guy is a genius!" He bragged and I laughed.

"That's great Case." I high-fived him.

"So does that mean you're driving us to the party Saturday?" I asked.

"Yep, well that's if I get my truck by then." He said

"You're getting a car? Score!"

"Yeah but it's not exactly a Maserati if you know what I mean. It needs some work, dad got it from his shop." 

I nodded. Casey's dad owned a car shop  and sometimes the people would bring their cars and like, die. Then there'd be nobody to claim the car because they were like loners or something so they just kind of stayed there as his projects to work on.

"Well I'd be glad to help." I smiled at him.


I got home and my mom said that Beverly would be late today, so I went into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea before grabbing a Krispy Kreme and popping it in the microwave for 15 seconds. It's smelt divine!

"Mmmmh I can't wait to eat you!" I said hypnotized

I swear I'm a sad case.

The microwave dinged and I eagerly took out the donut. My taste buds exploded with the first bite and I did a little happy dance. I heard the doorbell ring then my mom's voice.

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