Epilogue - Life After Death

Start from the beginning

"Don't tell daddy but I knew what your name was going to be before I even seen you, daddy doesn't like his name but I bet he will when you have the same one as him,"

"Like I tell always tell you, I love you and make sure you tell daddy that every day for me. Be good sunshine,"

"Bye Aj!"

"Naya! Can you please stop interrupting every video I make for my son?"

Then the screen went black again.

I looked at my phone as it rung repeatedly, I picked it up as it sat on the nightstand beside me and answered it.


"Hey Drake, I was calling to tell you I'm outside,"

I chuckled. "Naya, you act like you don't have a key, just come in,"

"I just don't want to be busting in your house all unannounced and everything,"

I got off my bed and walked out the room making my way downstairs. "I'm coming but you can come in,"


I hung up the phone as I finally got downstairs and walked to the kitchen. I got a bottle of wine out on the cabinet along with two stemware glasses.


"Kitchen," I yelled slightly as I poured the wine in the two glasses.

Aj walked in the kitchen first and Naya walked behind him.

"What's up man?" I said to Aj as he stood beside me.

He looked up at me and smiled brightly, his smiles just like Riley. "Auntie Naya took me and Sabrina to the zoo, we visited mommy and we got ice cream cake milkshakes."

"Glad you had fun," I kissed the top of his head. "Go watch TV,"

"Okay, love you Daddy,"

"Love you too,"

When I made sure he was out of sight, I looked at Naya. "You three went to the cemetery?"

She nodded. "Yeah, he had some much fun out there, it was like they were together again," she picked up the extra glass. "I know you're not ready but you should try and go out there,"

"Yeah," I looked at my phone. "Did you go by the salon?"

Naya eyed me, knowing I just changed the subject. "I did, Shakayla said that more kids from the group home came in and a lot of potential parents come through as well,"

"That's great,"

A few months after Riley past away, I opened a salon in honor of her, it's called Riley's Room. Carla is the general manager and Shakayla is the assistant manager. They run it like a regular salon except on the weekends the provide their services for free to all foster kids and for people who can't afford it, they also serve food. We are partnered with other local group homes to try and place some of these kids with families and the ones who never get placed, like Riley, will either work here or we'll help get them work alongside the Independent Living Program that Riley was in except they now are set up like dorms and college classes are mandatory.

"I'll probably go by there tomorrow morning," I took a sip from my glass.

Naya looked up at me. "It would mean a lot to Mom, she hasn't seen you in awhile,"

I sighed softly. "Can you watch Aj for a little longer?"

"Of course!"


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