I picked Naruto up "Please don't die; stay with me!" I said. I grabbed his keys and drove to the hospital as fast as possible. When I made it there; they took him to out of my arms and got him in a stretcher and told me to wait in the waiting room. They also took me to a room to bandage my cuts and bruises.

About an hour and a half later they came and got me. They told me to be very delicate with him and to talk to him softly. I walked into his room and saw him awake the woman closed the door and left. I ran to his bed side and grabbed his hand.

"Thank goodness your okay Naruto."
He looked at me and smiled

"Sasuke." He said as he pulled my arm and hugged me. "You saved me. Thank you." He whispered into my ear.

"Well you saved me as well when you pounced on Dead Man. So we are even." We both smiled at each other. A couple of minutes later the nurse came in and said Naruto can go home but needs to be supervised at all times.

"Ok thank you." I said. And she walked out. I than looked at Naruto. "Can you walk on your own?" I asked. I saw him inching tours the edge of the bed he swung his legs off the bed and tried to stand and was struck by the pain. Before he fell to the ground I caught him. I picked him up wedding style.

"I'm taking that as a no." I teased. He just looked at me and laughed.
"Guess so."


Sasuke put me in the back seat and laid me down. And then drove to my house. Once we got there I was picked up by the raven and taken inside. I saw Dead Man on the floor lifeless.

"What do we do with the body." Sasuke asked while still carrying me.

"Hand me the phone I know what to do." So I put in the numbering that was given about 11 years ago along with a password. Once somebody picked up the phone I spoke into it and said "Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki. Son of Minato and Kushina." I was in. They transferred me to the P.A. system. "Yamato?" I asked into the phone.

"WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU CALLED ME!" Yamato screamed into the phone.

"Sorry I didn't think much of it. Hay can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"What happened now?" He asked with a sigh.

"Well one of my fathers tried to kill me again. And I had to kill him. His name was Dead Man." I replied.

"I glad he's dead. I always hated him and he threatened to kill me a few times. But anyways I'm on my way." Yamato hung up the phone. As did I. I looked at Sasuke and he looked scared as hell.

"This isn't t-the fir-rst person that has tried to k-kill you!?" He asked.

"No that was the 7th one." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

"I couldn't. And if I did and you told somebody, then they would have to kill the both of us and the person you told."
I explained.

There was a knock at the door I tried to get up but I couldn't. So I told Sasuke to get to door. I heard the door open and a thud and a grunt. "YAMATO! Get the hell off of the Uchiha!"

"OH MY GOD! This is the little Uchiha! Itachi's brother." He said as he got off of Sasuke.

"Wait you know Itachi?" I asked.
"Well... HOLY SHIT! What did you do to Dead Man!?" Yamato asked avoiding the question at hand.

"Like Naruto said we killed him." Sasuke said brushing himself off. I could tell he was furrows.

Yamato walked over to me. "What did he do to you?" He asked with concern.  I lifted my shirt to revile 15 stitches on my stomach and 6 on my thigh from the kunai. "Well he did quite a number on you." Yamato said crossing his arms. "I'm just glad your safe and alive." He said.

"Can you just get it out of here it's really bothering me." Sasuke had said looking at the lifeless body.

"Fine." Yamato walked to the font door and three men came behind him. They  went straight to the body. "So Naruto, how did your first kill feel?"

"Im not going to going back. No matter what you say I'm not doing it." I told him.

"Why not though? You already killed your first person." He said complaining a bit.

"That was a defensive kill. I had no intent of killing him before he told me he helped in killing my father!" I yelled as tears formed in my eyes. Sasuke walked to my side and took me by the hand.

"Done. We got to go Captain Yamato." One of the men said.

"Well Naruto I have to go. Please call me soon and stay safe." Yamato said as he was being pushed out the door by his men. After the door closed Sasuke and I looked at each other in silence.

Until Sasuke broke the it and said "You have some explaining to do Naruto."


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