Chapter Twenty-One:Sasuke, a Murderer?

Start from the beginning

“Show yourself!” I commanded. Unknown bravery showing itself. The suspense was eating away at me as I waited for the strange person to move. The figure moved closer to the light, but not directly into it. But, close enough to where I could see his facial features. Relief flooded throughout my entire body.

“Sasuke,” I breathed. It was only my teammate. I moved closer to him. His eyes never left mine as I steadily moved towards him. The depths of his eyes looked blacker than normal. It was the darkest shade of black I have ever seen. “What are you doing?” I asked. Still, there was no reply. I took another step forward. “Sasuke?”

He smiled. Not a warm cute smile, but one that could freeze your blood. A bone chilling one. My eyes raked over his body. He was drenched in some dark sticky substance that I couldn’t make out and was holding something that was dripping with the same substance.

“Sasuke? What’s going on? Are you okay?” His smile should have told me something was wrong. But, with my shaking, I continued to walk towards him. Not me, my body. As if I were being drawn to him. I tried many times to stop, but my body kept going on its own accord.

“Please, talk to me.” I begged. His smile got bigger, showing razor sharp teeth. Covered in the same sticky liquid. His smile was so big it looked like it hurt. My body stopped when it reached the light.

He also moved forward, stepping directly under the light, now. I gasped in horror. “S-Sasuke, w-what have y-you done!?”

From head to toe he was covered in blood. It was running down his face, in his hair, and covered his clothes. Was even in those pointy teeth of his. My eyes moved to the object in his hand. He held it so it was hiding in the darkness.

“What is that?”

His eyes followed my line of vision. Sasuke looked as if he were happy that I asked. His eyes were filled with gleeful madness. He’s gone insane.

He threw the object at my feelt. I shook my head slowly, gasping for breath. Did he do this?

It was Naruto’s head, cleanly severed. His clear blue eyes were looking back up at me. But, they weren’t clouded and unseeing.  There was a huge smile plastering his face. Much like the smile Sasuke was wearing.  “Are you scared?” The head asked. I let out a short shriek.

“I did it for you, you know.” Sasuke spoke. His voice didn’t sound like him. It was crazed. “I did it all for you.”

The area flooded with light, showing our surroundings. Hundreds of bodies lay on the floor. Without their heads.

“Do you like my present, Hitomi?”

I was being violently shaken. My eyes slowly opened, not quite sure where I was. Or if I would see that horrifying scene once again. Sasuke’s face was bent close to mine, worry etched on his face.  I flinched back at how close we were. I scooted as far as I could, until my back hit the edge of the boat. I wrapped my arms around my legs, bringing them to my chest. My body was shaking from fear as I rocked back and forth.

“Hitomi?” Sasuke reached out to touch me.


“Hitomi?” His hand still continued to creep forward.

“Don’t!” I snapped. Tears were brimming my eyes. It was just a dream. Don’t do what you did to Naruto, not to Sasuke. He was taken aback, but not another word was uttered from his lips.

At this moment I didn’t care that five other people were staring at me like I had gone insane. I openly cried, I showed weakness. For the loss of my parents, for the fear of loosing Naruto and Sasuke, and because I feared I was loosing grasp on my life. I was no longer in control, the higher forces of the world was. I had almost lost my best friend to a dream, it wouldn’t happen this time. Not again.

Naruto sat down beside me. “Did you….?” He questioned, eyebrows pulling together in distress. I nodded. My voice was somewhere lost, along with all of those people’s heads. He pulled me onto his lap, rubbing my back to soothe me. “It’ll be okay.”

I buried my face in his chest, letting the burden out as tears. “Shh, it’s going to be okay. It’s okay.” He softly chanted in my ear. My body slightly un-tensed.

“Is she okay?” Kakashi asked sounding weary.

“She’ll be fine. When Hitomi has nightmares, they’re bad. Like, hardcore. It’s always something drastic. And by the look of things, it was about Sasuke….” He trailed off. Naruto was hesitant, no doubt scared he was going to upset me.

“Why do you say that?”

“Did you see the way she flinched away from him? And scooted as far away as she possibly could from him? Obvious signs. In fact, she always does that when this happens. It happened to me not to long ago.” he confirmed. Was I that easy to read? That Naruto knew why I was avoiding him, was because of my nightmares?

I peeked at Sasuke. His face was emotionless as he stared at me and Naruto. His body was frigid. I wanted to desperately tell him how sorry I was. But, I was frightened that the only thing that would come out of my mouth was a scream.

“She looks as if she’s been through a traumatic experience,” Kakashi observed.

“Who’s to say what she just went through wasn’t?”

“Is it always like this?”

Naruto didn’t say anything, just nodded. “Do you think she should seek a therapist’s help?” Kakashi worried.

Naruto shook his head. “She’ll be fine. Give her time, she’ll get over it. Hitomi is a strong girl, sometimes this helps her cope with the pain. It’s been like this since her parents have…….moved on.”

I looked up at Naruto once Sasuke refused to continue our staring match. He looked back down at me, flashing a beautiful smile. I couldn’t seem to give him one back, it felt as if I would never smile again. My attempt only seemed to make the corners of my mouth turn downwards as another tear steadily rolled down my cheek.  Naruto’s smile faded. He brushed the stray tear away and kissed my forehead, like he always used to. “I promise that it will be okay.”

I wrapped my arms around Naruto, sending him a silent thank you. He pressed his cheek against the top of my head. “I’m here for you.”

>.< Did anyone notice her dream pattern? First Naruto ripped off Sasuke’s head, so he got revenge in her next dream and cut off Naruto’s head. Ahh, life<3 This was due 5hrs ago, but my computer had decided to cut off. DAMN YOU! ~Shakes fist angrily at the heavens~ Ahh, yes. I have pulled an all nighter! Not the best thing to do when your friend is suppose to come to your house around 1.………This just shows how much I love you guys, I stayed up all night waiting for my computer, be grateful ANNDDDD

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