Chapter Seventeen: Give People What They Want

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Wrote most of this last night; was to lazy to upload(:



Love is a Weakness-A Naruto Fan Fiction

Chapter Seventeen: Give People What They Want


“S…Sasuke?” My voice was weak. Why was I suddenly acting like this? He pressed into me harder and leaned in, breathing on my neck. “You wouldn’t take the opportunity?” His voice was seductive. I bit my lip, holding back a moan as his lips brushed against my neck.

“Please.” I gasped. At this point I wasn’t sure if I was asking him to get off me, or to continue. Butterflies were flying in a rampage in my stomach. Worse they have ever had, before.

“What is it, Hitomi?” Sasuke brushed his lips against mine, making sure they barely touched. I closed my eyes, in an attempt to calm myself. Did I want to kiss Sasuke? I felt his lips brush against mine again. What was stopping me?

“Hitomi.” He breathed. Make him stop. But, I didn’t want him to stop. What I really wanted was for him to kiss me. I wanted to run my hands through his silky raven-black hair, pulling his face closer to mine. I wanted him to grasp my hips, pulling them towards him, then resting his hands on my face, stroking circles with his thumb.

I opened my eyes. Sasuke was staring at me, his eyes clouded. My body finally decided to obey me, and I roughly pushed him off of me. It was so wrong. Him, touching me. Me, wanting him to. Why did I enjoy it so much? I ran out of the room, into the bathroom.

My door no longer locked, bathroom was now my only choice. I sat with my back against the door and my knees to my chest. I shouldn’t enjoy his touch. I can’t like it when his lips touched my neck. I won’t like the feeling of his lips against mine. I refuse to like Sasuke.

There was a light knock on the door. “Hitomi?” His voice sounded strangely compassionate. “Can we just talk?” I hated how my body reacting to the sound of his voice. Especially when he said my name. but, I will not give in to the temptation. I was stronger than that, or so I hoped.

I wouldn’t be like the people in our year. My body would be like a temple, remaining pure and sacred.

I would make sure that I wouldn’t become one of Sasuke’s fan girls, more importantly. I heard another light knock and Sasuke sigh. “Hitomi. Please, just answer me.”

“Go away.” My voice was harsher than I intended it to be, but I didn’t care. He invaded my personal space. And I liked it.

There wasn’t any other sound coming from his side of the door. I doubted he actually took my request into consideration, though. He was quite stubborn. Stupid emo.

I took deep breaths. I needed Naruto. I needed him to tell me that everything would be okay. I needed for him to hold me, like an older brother would. He needed to assure me that I wouldn’t end up like Sasuke’s fan girls. And that he wouldn’t ever let Sasuke touch me like that, again.

I needed my best friend.

But, there was still that problem of me being terrified of him. That beast gave me chills. My body quivered in fear just thinking about it. His eyes. In my dream his eyes were the thing that changed the most. His eyes were the scariest part.

So blood thirsty.

I felt warm wetness running down my face. Naruto wouldn’t even be like that. I’d be right next to him to make sure of it.

I wasn’t going to be scared, anymore. He is my best friend, I refused to be afraid of him. He didn’t deserve my cold shoulder. From now on, I was going to face whatever life threw at me.

I pulled the door open, feeling like a new person. I had a new attitude, and was planning on using it.

This plan changed as I saw Sasuke standing in my path. I quickly shut the door in his face, locking it again. Okay, so I could only deal with one problem at a time. Where’s a window?


Climbing through the window wasn’t the hard part, finding it was. It took me a while to realize that it was right next to me. I could be so stupid, sometimes.

The first place I visited was his favorite ramen shop. He was always there.

“Hey, Hitomi. What can I do for you?” The man that owned the shop was always so nice. But I couldn’t for the life of me, remember his name.

“Have you seen Naruto?”

“Strangely, no. That knucklehead hasn’t been in here all day.”

Well, if he wasn’t here, he was probably terrorizing the Hokage. Poor, poor man.

“He’s not here.” The old man said, before I could even utter a word. He didn’t even bother to look at her, just kept busy with the documents on his desk. I hated how he just sometimes knew things. It creeped me the hell out.

I checked the training grounds, he wasn’t there. He wasn’t at the academy with Iruka. According to Sakura, she hadn’t seen him all day. Where was my blonde, hyper-active, loud-mouthed friend hiding?


I gave up. Naruto was no where in Konoha. I couldn’t find him anywhere. He was always the best hide-and-seeker. When he could keep his mouth shut, that is.

I went back to Sasuke’s gloomy apartment. Depression was taking over. The one time I find courage to talk to Naruto, he disappears. How typical. I guess Sasuke would have to do for now.

“Sasuke! I’m home!” I shut the door loudly. He popped his head out from the corner, giving me a confused look.

“Weren’t you in the bathroom?”


He smacked himself in the forehead. “Why didn’t I think of that?” he muttered to himself. I gave him a warning glance, before lightly chuckling and walking to the kitchen. I was starving. I quickly decided on instant ramen. It was weird not eating ramen at least twice a day.

“You seem to be in a better mood.” Sasuke observed, sitting down at the table with me. I just shrugged, I quickly ate my food, used to eating with Naruto. “Can we talk?” Again, I shrugged.

He sighed. He seemed to do that a lot around me. “Listen, about earlier, I’m sor--”

“Don’t worry about it. I kinda liked it.” I waved my hand, dismissing the matter. Sasuke stared at me like I had told him that I was pregnant with the Hokage’s baby. Okay, ew. Mental image.

“Y-you…..what?!” He was stuck in a shocked state. Did I enjoy this, or what? I loved getting reactions out of him. Most of the time they’re funny. Except for those rare moments when he’s almost raping me against a wall.

I smirked. He messed with me earlier, it was my turn. I walked over to him, making sure to sway my hips. He swallowed sharply. What happened to all of his earlier confidence?

“Wh-what a-are you d-doing?” he eyes darted between my lips and cleavage. Pervert.

I leaned over and blew on his neck, before whispering in his ear. “Giving people what they want.” I lightly kissed his neck. Afterwards, I looked at him seductively and then ran a hand through my hair. Sasuke watched my every movement.

“As if. Get your mind out of the gutter, Sasuke. I wouldn’t take that chance if the Hokage’s life depended on it. I’m going to take a shower if you need me.” I chuckled. I loved seeing Sasuke so helpless, like that. I loved having power over him.


Well, well, well. Yeah, I have no clue. Not much to say………..I guess I’m just not feeling very talkative today. So, tomorrow is father’s day!:D Have fuunnn! Hoped you enjoyed the chapter!


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