Start from the beginning

I went into the room, his face still in distress, and whispering Tyler's name. He had the end of his duvet in a bundle, holding on to it tightly, and he was sweating profusely. I didn't know if splashing a cup of water on him would wake him up, but I had already tried screaming in his face and shaking so I was running out of options. I threw half of the water, it hitting his face with his eyes opening immediately.

"Troye! Are you okay?" I went to his side, his eyes were darting everywhere but me. His breathes were short and fast.

"Troye?" I seemed to finally get his attention, as his eyes fell on mine, only inches away. He looked terrified. Tears still rolled down his cheeks.

"Are you ok?" I asked him again, putting my hand on his shoulder. He shook his head slowly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He seemed hesitant before nodding his head. I took a seat on his bed and put my hand on his knee to comfort him as he began telling of his nightmare.



"Do you want to have breakfast now? I know Zoe's awake."He had asked me after I told me of what I had dreamed. I agreed, so we left the room, still wearing the clothes from the previous day. Zoe was laying on the couch, on her phone most likely texting Alfie about last night.

"Hello boys. Was that yelling I heard? Fighting now?" She looked up when she heard our footsteps.

"No, I uh..had a nightmare." I said. She turned to me.

"Are you ok? What happened?" She looked concerned as I told the story once again. The dream itself felt longer, but telling it didn't take much time

"Oh, Troye." She said with pity.

"I'm fine now, just hungry." I thought of last night. It was foggy, but I started to remember most of it.

Slowly getting drunk with Zoe.
Singing along to songs I've never heard of before.
Dancing with a stranger, him then kissing me.

Going to get a drink and finding Connor crying, and a man walking away from him-


"Con?" I turned to him as he spread some Nutella on a piece of toast.

"Hmm?" He said not looking up from what he was doing.

"Why were you..crying last night?" I was almost scared to ask. He realized what I had said, and froze.

"I don't know what your talking about." He continued adding Nutella to the already covered toast, still not looking up.

"Con?" I knew he remembered, and didn't want to talk about it. That made me want to find out even more.

"I-It was nothing." He added even more Nutella.


"What?!" I was taken back by his sudden outburst. I wasn't going to ask him what happened, I was just going to inform him of the toast you could no longer see.

"Your toast.." I pointed to the food in his hands.

"Ugh, sorry Troye, I didn't mean to get mad, I'm just stressed, that's all." I didn't pressure him into telling me why he was crying. He took half of the Nutella covering his toast and put it on another slice, evening it out he gave it to me.

"Here, it's for Zo." I walked to the living room, setting the plate in front of her. She was watching some reality show that I've never seen before. We both spoke of how awful the women on it dressed, and oogled at the men in it. Connor soon came in, handing me a plate with a slice of Nutella on toast on it.

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