Chapter - 16 Barry & Rose Sitting In A Tree...

Start from the beginning

I feel my dad take my comic.

"Listen, Vincent."

"Joe, you might want to let her read that." Barry says to him as he slowly takes the comic from him.

My dad raises a brow at him but doesn't say anything.

I mouth thank you to him and hear Cisco say something about wanting to say Weather Wizard since week one then he winces.

"Trigeminal headache?"

Barry and Caitlyn says in unison.

I just shake my head at how weird that was  and don't think more of it.

"Mr. Allen, a word please." Dr. Wells says to Barry. Barry goes with him and I look up at my dad looking at them leave the room.

"Dad, everything okay?"

"Yeah, sweetie. Don't tell your sister about this okay?" I do a zip my lip motion and he kisses my cheek.

"You're surprisingly calm."

"Well look who my dad is." He smiles.

"I'll see you at home?"

"That's where my stuff is." I say as I flip a page in the comic book.

"Vincent..." He says in a warning tone.

You know, I'm starting to think, that's my name now.

"I know, I know. Stop being a smart-ass. Love you!"

I close the comic for a second and look over at Caitlyn.

"Hey, Caitlyn?"

"Yeah Rose?" She looks over at me and I see Barry looking at me from the corner of his eye as he follows my dad.

Why is he being so strange today?

"Um, can we run some tests today?"

"Sure on what?"

"My wings, I noticed they looked a little bit more on the dark side this morning."

"Really? Well, let's go run some tests."

"Su-I am not getting in the treadmill..."

"Caitlyn Snow I swear to god!"

I was running on the treadmill again and flapping my wings.

"It seems like it's not stress that's caused them to become darker."

I stop and take in a lung full of air.

"Then what could it be?"

"Could be the change of environment. It could be that your wings change color due to season. Oh like some birds."

I just look at her.

"Are you calling me a bird? Do I have a beak? Don't answer that, I don't want you to jinx me and I wake up with on-"

The monitor beeps and we see Barry on the screen.

We both look and see...

"Is that Mark Mardon?"

Caitlyn, Cisco, Dr. Wells and I were down in the pipeline listening to Mark Mardon have a temper tantrum with Barry.

"I'm gonna break out of here! I'm gonna create a tidal wave that destroys your entire city!"

Barry simply locks the door away and then turns to us with a smile.

I punch him in the arm.


Chase The Impossible *A Barry Allen/OC Love Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now