
I get dressed in a black dress which clings to my body. Taking my black pumps, my phone, and the bag with me, I walk down into the kitchen where Sara is making pancakes. She has a work-from-home schedule today as she plans on completing her incomplete articles.

"You look beautiful in this dress. It suits you," she winks at me. I roll my eyes at her compliment because she says that all the time.

"What happened to that magazine guy?" I ask her. "He was persistent in getting you that job." 

"Oh, he did. I have already spoken to the editor and started with the basics," she answers, sipping on her coffee.

After I have my breakfast, I drive to my now 'office'. You can do this, you can. I keep assuring myself. Wow! I am actually working there and that too as Mr. Malik's Personal Assistant. Imagining the amount of knowledge I can grasp by being his go to makes me feel good about this. 

It is exactly nine when I make it into his office. The lady who showed me around the other day - Samantha greets me with a smile. Well, she has already explained me my job and it is not hard actually. I just have to take care of Mr. Malik's diet and do whatever he tells me to do and to inform him about his schedule for the hours. I have to collect all the timely reports and hand it over to Mr. Malik after review and possibly read any contracts the company enters into. Well, not a tough task for a Law graduate but I get paid a good amount for it so no worries.

I walk into the room and the first thing that I do is make coffee for him. I make a rising sun with the white cream over it and place it on his table already. I see some books scattered on the table and decide to place them back into their racks. As I place the last book into its place, my eyes drag me to the last book - Julius Caesar

I pull it out carefully and open the first page. Holly shit. It is the first edition of Julius Caesar. It must have cost him a fortune to get this. But then again, it is Zayn Malik we are talking about here.

"An intriguing story." I am shaken by the voice beside me. I look up and see Mr. Malik standing by my side and looking at the book. He shifts his gaze to me. His eyes seem a darker shade of brown against the light.

"I am sorry Mr. Malik, I was just placing the books back on the shelves." I place the book back into its place. He is still looking at me with intense eyes. I blush and stare at my fingers.

"Hmm... You seem to have taken last night's compliment very well Miss Walter," he smiles and I flush pink again. God, he makes my heart flutter so much. "And I think you're doing just fine taking compliments for now."

His words make me blush even more.

"Rule six. Listen to your boss," I simply reply and he laughs.

"I like it that you follow them. I like your spirits Leigh-Anna." He smiles at me as I do the same.

I walk up to his table, lifting the coffee off it and hand it to him. He looks at it, stares at it for what seems like ages and then grins looking at the sun. He takes it and sits in his chair as I look into the iPad and inform him about his schedule for the next hour, looking up at him occasionally. He cocks his head to one side as he keeps staring at me making me blush every now and then.


It's eleven and I am by his side with two pills - which I don't really know are for what - and a glass of water. He is busy on the phone with a client.

"Is it Thursday? Okay, keep me informed... No, keep that day free... I may leave at night..." he is staring at me and I stare back at him admiring his features. He is, undoubtedly the most handsome guy I have ever seen.

After lunch, he walks off to his meeting while he hands me a pile of previous year's reports to study the ratios in his office.

At five, Mr. Malik comes back from a meeting and sits on the couch in a relaxing way. I walk slowly to the coffee machine but fail miserably since my pumps make a clicking sound as I walk. He glances up at me realizing my presence and smiles at me.

"Tiring day, Miss Walter. I think you should head home and get some rest," he says politely.

"Never leave before your boss does," I blurt out the rule and he stares at me in amusement.

"Rule 6, listen to your boss." He raises his eyebrows.

"Rule 1, timely food and medicines," I smile and he is shocked. He breathes sharply and walks up to me.

"I swear Miss Walter if you were under my control you wouldn't dare to deceive me." He narrows his eyes at me. Holly mosses. Is this bad? I lower my head. Am I not completely under his control? "Stop biting your lips. It's distracting," he orders. I free the lip I hadn't realized I was biting.

"I am sorry." That's all I utter before picking my iPad up and leaving his room. I drive home and drift off instantly on my bed, tired. And it's the first time I dream of him - Zayn Malik.


Sunday night and I am back to the club, I don't even know why. This time it's with Sara and Eric - a friend of mine  I sit with Sara as Eric decides to get us a drink. I tell him that I will only have something mild as I have to be at work on time tomorrow. When I try to gulp the drink down, I realize it's a much stronger drink, something I am not used to. I feel my senses heightened after the first one itself. It is an uneasy feeling and I feel like a canary in a cage. I yell into Sara's ears that I'd be out to get some fresh air and walk out.

I am in the parking lot stumbling my way to my car so I can get some water and some pills to make me feel alright when I am pulled back by someone and he is holding me down so I can't move. I look up. Nothing is clear but I see a blurry Eric.

"Eric? What the hell are you doing? Let go." I struggle to get out of his grip but fail miserably. The alcohol has slowed down all my systems. I want to hit him but all I end up doing is throw my hands around in vain. This is bad.

"You know that I like you Leigh and I know you do too. Then why are you staying away from me?" he grasps my hair tight making me wince in pain. He leans in trying to kiss me. Please save me...

"No Eric... Stay away." I try to push him but it is of no use. His grip on me is too tight. Is this why he gave me the drinks? Tears stream down my eyes.

"I think the lady said no." I hear a voice from behind Eric and he immediately releases me from his grip. I stumble back and look at the blurry man. My eyes widen as I notice a blurry Zayn standing. He walks up to me and puts his arms around my shoulders helping me sit on the bonnet of the car. Eric is long gone. He is nowhere to be seen.

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" I ask him confused.

"Watching out for a helpless girl like you. You are so drunk Miss Walter. You can't even stand straight. And I thought you don't drink." His tone is a harsh and angry like he is mad at someone who he is responsible for taking care of.

"Please don't be mad at me, not now." I put my head in my hands. I can't help but cry. My friend just forced me onto him and this man fires bullets at me.

"Let's get you home." He suddenly lifts me up bridal style and everything starts to fade and eventually turns black. The last thing I hear before I pass out in Zayn Malik's arms in his harsh epithet.



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