Chapter Nineteen

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I was so lucky. I got in the car with Alex, Sarah and Austin while Robert, Vanessa and Hailey were going in the other car. Hailey showed us the directions to her house which was about an hour from where we lived. I was really tired because I stayed up almost all night from excitement so as soon as I got inside the car, I felt sleepy. "Did you knew that they are back together?" said Alex to Sarah before she looked at us, that were sitting in the back of the car. "Really? I'm so happy for you two!" she said looking excited. I guess everybody knew now because Austin probably already told Vanessa and Hailey before I arrived.

"Lauren, you look tired... What happened?" Alex asked during the trip. "Oh, I just couldn't sleep really much this night" I said making look like I was fine. "Come," Austin said pointing to his lap, "Sleep a little bit." He is the sweetest guy ever and even though I really wanted to sleep, I was a little hard but when he insisted and his eyes got bigger I couldn't handle. I slowly layed down with my head on his lap and he placed his hands on my hair, playing with it softly. I fell asleep so fast that I barely enjoyed his touch.

"Lauren, baby... We're arriving in 5 minutes so you better wake up now" he whispered in my ear quietly, but enough for me to hear him and wake up. I opened my eyes and looked up, having the vision on his beautiful hazel eyes staring at me. He smiled and I smiled back, knowing how much he seemed to care about me.

Getting out of the car, I saw that Robert was already carring his bags inside and Vanessa and Hailey were just standing there like waiting for him to take theirs too. We opened the truck of the car and when I was about to get my bag, I heard a familiar voice behind me saying "Let us do it." Alex smiled and grabbed Sarah's bag while Austin grabbed mine. "Do you think I'm not strong enough? I can handle this" I said to Austin giving him a look and he just laughed and continued his way inside.


When I got my feet inside the house, all I watched was how beautiful the view was. We could see the light blue ocean, the shining sun, the clean and white sand. It's going to be the best weeks of our lifes. Walking more inside and noticing the beautiful and beach kind of furniture, I placed the bags next to the door while me and Austin kept looking at each other with our mouths open.

"So, the room in the left has 3 beds and the one in the right has 4 beds. Who wants each one?" Hailey exclamed after we were all inside. At the end of a discussion, we decided that me, Rob and Austin are taking the room with 4 beds and the girls are getting the one with 3 beds because Hailey said that it had more closets. After unpacking and organizing everything, we all went to the living room. "So, what are we doing today?" Hailey said, one more time, with excitement. We all looked at each other thinking. "Matthew is only coming closer to here tomorrow so I have no idea of what to do" Vanessa said. We decided that it was going to be a good idea to meet her friends from the area but Austin turned his idea around. "I think I wanna have a walk on the beach" he said smiling at Lauren. "You can come with me if you want to" he continued to her. She smiled back and accepted the idea. I seriously love to see them happy, I just don't understand how Austin doesn't realize that he's in love. We all went together to Hailey's friends condo and Austin and Lauren just continued their walk on the way to the beach.


"It's such a beautiful day today... The calm ocean, the sky with no clouds..." Austin said looking amazed. I laughed quietly looking down and he was like "What?." I looked at him in the eyes and said "Oh, it's nothing. It's cute how you look so excited and amazed by this place." He smiled at me and got closer kissing my cheek. At some point during the walk I noticed that he held my hand trying to be softly so I wouldn't get scared or something. He's seriously so sweet and so romantic. I'm so glad everything happened, I'm so glad for my problems in spanish class.

"I know this is random but tell me something about you... What kind of things do you like, sports you do, just something you like" I asked trying to make a conversation. He looked at me and resumed everything in one word. Music. When he said it, his eyes sparkled and his lips opened for a smile forming. I think I've already told him that he's really talented and he should work more in it, but I don't think he took it seriously. He has a soft voice but at the same time strong, showing that he can pull off any kind of song. We kept talking about it for about five minutes until he suggested for us to sit on the sand. He had brought a towel with him so he putted it on top of the sand so we could seat.

"Well, if you're really into music, let's hear something" I said kind of challenging him, even though I already knew about his talent. "Ok then, if you doubt me... This is my favorite song ever, it's 'One Less Lonely Girl' by Justin Bieber."

"I'm gonna put you first, I'll show you what you're worth, if you let me inside your world, there's gonna be one less lonely girl" the lyrics said. It was a truly beautiful song and his voice made it even better.

"Austin, you're amazing. I'm being serious when I say that you should work on it more. You can't keep a talent like yours to yourself" I said, trying my hardest to make him believe in me. He looked a little shy at first but then I saw another smile grow bigger and bigger. He looked deep inside my eyes, and turning his head we kissed again. It was like a replay of all the kisses we've ever shared, but getting even better. His warm lips always knows how to get me more and more attached to him. It's like I can never get tired of him.

-- Note from the author --

I just wanted to thank every single one of your guys that read, share and keep up with this story. Everytime I read you guys feedback, it makes me so happy. I love writing and I love spending some time in my week to work hard on something that helps me, specially because of my english. I know I make some mistakes but I'm working hard on it to only have the best for every one of you all.

Thank you so much. I love you.

Stay strong, Livia<3

I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu