Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

As I got ready for school, my mind continued to think of Zayn and what he had done to me last night. A permanent blush was on my cheeks while I put on some jeans and a jumper. Just thinking of it made me feel a mixture between confusion of why that felt so good to me as well as if Zayn liked what I did in return. I'm still kind of embarrassed about all that went down, but I knew at the time I was completely up for it. Even now I would do it again, but it's embarrassing being so vulnerable to one person. Yet, at the same time it really tests how you feel about them.

I know for me my guard has always been up around people in intimate ways because I'm so afraid of getting hurt. I'm afraid of getting attached to the person, then they'll let me go before I'm ready to let them go. But with Zayn, I feel like he'd never hurt me. I feel like he would always be there to catch me because I know right now I'm falling hard. I'm probably stupid for these feelings, but I know Zayn cares about me and maybe even loves me. Maybe I even love him, but right now I know I'm just looking for someone to take care of me. Both emotionally and physically. I want someone to cuddle me and care for me that way as well as showing me I'm not the piece of shit everyone kind of tells me I am.

I walked out of my room with my stomach rumbling, it now being four days since I ate something. I had just been filling myself up with water to make myself think I'm full, but now it isn't really working. When I walked into the kitchen, I was surprised to find my dad standing over the counter while he put away the few food items in the cabinets that were in the grocery bags. He looked up at me and smiled lightly before sighing.

"Do you have a minute to talk, or will you be late for school?" My dad asked me quietly. I nodded that I had a minute, I was actually planning on going to school early to see if Liam had some food to share with me, but now that I see my dad got some stuff, I have at least thirty minutes before I have to leave. I went over to the unpacked plastic bags and found a box of doughnuts. The sight made my stomach rumble even harder and louder. Once I got the box and a glass to pour some of the fresh milk that had just been purchased I sat down at the kitchen table while my dad got a brown paper bag from the counter and set it down on the table.

"I, uh, don't think we've ever had that talk about... you know. I kind of heard you last night talking to someone in your room and doing a few other things. Just... I don't want you sneaking girls into your room Niall." My dad told me awkwardly. His blue eyes kept glancing at my neck, then back to my face. He had a bright red blush on his cheeks that I knew I had the same that was matching my father. All I knew was I didn't sneak a girl into my room and from now on I probably never will.

"So now you tell me what to do when it's convenient for you to step up and be a parent? Just stay out of my business the way I stay out of yours. I'll have you know that I've known what sex was from what Greg told me and from what school taught me that you didn't. You choose now to tell me what to do, but I know it's not because you care. You just don't want me making a mistake and getting some girl pregnant like you did when you had me!" I yelled back at my dad, then stood up sharply from my chair. He stood up as well and looked like he was a mix of emotions. The most prominent was angry.

"I just don't enjoy seeing my so called 'mistake' walking around with purple love bites on his neck like a whore!" He hollered at me. I rolled my eyes at him then stormed out of the kitchen, forgetting about the half eaten doughnut and about the hunger that was making me feel too weak and tired for my own good.

I drove to school feeling thankful for the distraction to drive safely so I couldn't think of the tears that wanted to fall. Honestly, I hate my life. The only good thing about it is Zayn. When I'm with him everything is perfect and it's like we're in our own perfect bubble. Then when I'm away from him, everything goes to shit and nothing can make me happy.

Best Friend's Dad (Ziall Horlik)AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora