Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

The rest of the trip at the summer house was pretty shitty. Perrie was pissed at me because of the fact I didn't want a baby and finally told her. Niall didn't talk to me or even look at me, then again I couldn't either. Then my own son just spent his time in all the awkward tension trying to make us laugh or talk. That didn't really work, especially when the three of us guys went fishing and Niall just stayed quiet and in his own thoughts the whole time.

I drove straight to Niall's house first once we got in town so I could drop off the cause of the extreme amount of tension, then when I get home I can have Perrie yell at me for being a shit husband. I looked back in the rear view mirror, but quickly looked away when I saw those blue eyes staring right at me.

As much as I wanted to say I hated myself for kissing him, I didn't. I know this is pretty much like child molestation or pedophilia because he's still a minor, but I liked the way his lips felt. It was so much better than a woman's lips, but that's to be expected because I'm gay. However, the way he seemed slightly inexperienced made it that much better because I felt like I could have the upper hand and show him how I wanted to kiss him. He didn't seem to mind that at all.

When I was around Niall's age I experimented with allot of guys. It stopped being me just trying things out when I wanted to date one of the guys. His name was Louis Tomlinson. Today we're just best friends and we both ended up married to girls, but that doesn't mean either of us are happy. It wasn't like we were soul mates or some shit, it was that both our families were too religious to have gay sons. We both took each others virginity and we both snuck around for years with each other even when we had both told our families we were seriously dating the women we're married to now. Now we work together and we only talk about work stuff because we figured it's best that we just keep our past in the closet along with our true selves.

The weird things is, Niall has always had an affect on me. Not the sexual type of affect, but just one that my heart can't control itself and I give into anything he wants because of those blue eyes. His sweet heart makes it hard not to just give him the world and the fact he thinks nothing of himself makes you think everything of him. Niall has no confidence and has no one that will give him the attention he needs so I always felt that was my job. I'd never met a ten year old boy that when you asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up he would tell you he wasn't good enough to be anything. My heart breaks and melts for him at the same time. I can only assume that's why I always want Niall to be close to me or for me to be the source of his happiness. Maybe that's also why I felt the need to kiss him again just so it would be an even mistake on both sides. I don't think it was a mistake, but I made me think of doing more to him than just kiss him and that's not exactly what you could call acceptable.

I drove up the the front of Niall's house, but the first thing I realized was his dad's car wasn't in the driveway. I groaned inwardly before putting the car in park and getting out. Niall got out too and followed me to the front door of his house. There was a huge amount of tension between us that made me feel like I should either leave the Irish boy here alone or push him against a wall and snog his face off. I ignored my thoughts and saw there was a sticky note on the door for Niall. It was from his dad saying he was out of town again and to call him if he needed anything. I crumble up the note and threw it somewhere beside me.

"Go inside and pack a bag of your stuff. You're staying with us for the rest of the week." I mumbled to Niall, not looking at his face as I spoke. He bent down to get the spare key from under the welcome mat. My eyes wandered down to where his bum was stinking out and being shown off nicely by his tight jeans. When he stood up my eyes stayed glued on his bum. There's no harm in looking, it's the touching that I can't do.

Best Friend's Dad (Ziall Horlik)AUWhere stories live. Discover now