Chapter 9

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Niall's POV

I was woken up from my short nap by strong arms moving away from me. I rolled over and saw Zayn was climbing out of the bed that I wasn't even sure how I got in. I saw him take off his shirt and toss it on the bed behind him before getting his jeans off. I couldn't help myself when I sat up and took my own shirt off before replacing it with Zayn's.

It was just t-shirt, but on me it slipped off my shoulders and was kind of big on me. I liked it because it was like it was cuddling my body even if it wasn't another person. Also, it smelt that smell that could only be described as Zayn. It smelt warm and musky, yet sweet and soft. Zayn tuned around and looked over me before giving me a smirk.

"You'll have to take it off before Liam and Perrie get home." He told me, then came to sit next to me on the bed in just his boxers. I blushed then got a pillow from behind me to place over his lap. He laughed lightly and put his arm on the pillow. My eyes took in the amounts of tattoos he had on his body. It was actually amazing how many he had and how they all seemed to fit together even though they were so opposite.

"We need to talk about what happened." Zayn started, then reached forward to move my hair off my forehead. I nuzzled into his touch and felt my stomach erupt in butterflies like they did in that special moment he shared with me. I'd obviously never done that with anyone and I've never even wanted to until Zayn. There was something about the way he was holding me while I was crying that made me need to try something with him. Not exactly try, but maybe feel something from him. I wanted to feel a deeper way that he cared about me than just his arms around me.

"Did you feel something when we...?" Zayn asked me then trailed off. I looked at him and saw he had this hope in his brown eyes that he wanted me to answer a certain way. My heard skipped a beat in my chest because I definitely did feel something, but that something was more like the confirmation I like guys. Also the confirmation I like Zayn, but I pushed that down for the moment and just accepted one thing at a time.

"I liked it, but if you didn't then I won't either. I don't want to come between you and Perrie. You have a great family and a good life. This was probably just a one time thing for you and we can both go back to our lives like they were before. I'm happy being me and I know you're happy with your perfect life." I told him, but there was a crack in my voice when I thought of my own life where no one really cares about me. Zayn looked at me and shook his head before pulling me into his arms. The pillow slid off his lap and I slid on it. The way I was on him was with my legs straddling him and his hands on my waist.

"I've never been happy with my life. I'm fucking stuck in the closet and now you're the only one that knows this. I love my son more than anyone could ever love their kid, biological or not. I just hate that I have to be married to a woman that has no idea who I am. I hate that I've been hiding that from her for years. I don't want to do this anymore, but there's no way I could end it without telling her I'm gay and have been my whole life. My family is Muslim and would disown me in a second because I'm gay as well as divorcing a woman. I'm stuck with her, but I hate it. I hate everything so much but the only reason I'm still here is because I love my son. I'm still married because I love my son. I'm still in the closet because I love my son." Zayn said, slowly getting quieter as he spoke. I reached foward and got his face in my hands. A tear slid down his face, causing him the chuckle sadly. I wiped his tear then hesitantly leaned forward.

"You can kiss me if you want. You can use me or break me. I could care less because you're Niall. You mean so much to me. You always have." Zayn whispered to me. He pulled me the rest of the way into the kiss I was craving. Our lips moved while my heart stopped beating at a normal human pace. My hands rested on Zayn's bare chest and gently ran over his smooth skin.

Best Friend's Dad (Ziall Horlik)AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora