Chapter 20

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"So we got out together?" Daryl asks sitting across from me on the bed.

It took a while but eventually he had felt comfortable enough to sit down.

"We savaged for a while, takin shelter in a shitty little camp we made." He stared at me, rubbin his chin, stuffed with curiosity.

"Then I told you I needed a drink, like the brat I was," I tried to smile, but kept going, "so we went to this golf course, where we got inside and I found a bottle of peachschnapps."

"I didn't let you drink it did I? That stuffs horse shit." He interrupted like a child listening to a story told by his grandparents.

I felt happy there was still enough of the Daryl I knew in him to reject peachschnapps, "no," I say, "you got me a real first drink."

I recalled the words as if they were yesterday.

"Moonshine," his face lights up, "we started to play this game, I insisted like a child. And it got carried away. We were both angry. But you, you had bottled up all your emotion since your brother died. You started to cry."

Daryl his his face in his hands from embarrassment.

I let him gather the information and hoped he'd get a flash of a memory back.

"What did you do with me?" He whispers, like he should have been tossed out like trash.

"I hugged you." He looks up at me, narrowin his blue eyes at me, testin if I was lying or not.

"That's enough for today." I interject, despite wantin to tell him so many more stories.

He didn't complain, grabbin his bow he got ready to leave.

"Beth?" He whispers, I look up from the corner of the room I am standin in.


"Did we ever do anythin, ya'know sexual?"

I tried so hard not to blush, but the crimson roses bloomed along my neck and cheeks.

"Yeah." I turned back to the window, not wantin to see his facial expression.

"Oh." I hear him let out a breath, "was it okay? I didn't force you or nothin like that?"

"No, it was the best time I ever spent with you."

He seemed to doubt my statement, terribly frightened he'd raoed me and can't remember it.

"I didn't hurt 'ur body in any way?" I step away from the window and cross the room to him.

"No, you did the exact opposite. You embraced it and made me feel beautiful."

I stood inches from his body as he looked down at me.

"I didn't know I could do that." He scoffs, surprised with himself and I can't help but giggle at his childish ways.

"Alright. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow." He promted and headed out the door.

My mouth formed into a pout without realization.


The air was definitely a lot cooler than it had been from when I remember.

I wrapped a large blue sweater around me tightly as I marched through the park.

Forcing my lungs and muscles to work.

My frame was scary thin and had lost its muscle from laying on a metal  slab for a while.

"You alright?" I male British accent asks from beside. I hadn't realized my feet stopped moving and I stood frozen starin off into the distance.

A young man, probably a few years older than me jogged over to me.

His hair was cut well and he wore jeans and a T-shirt, covered by a large hoodie.

"I'm fine, sorry." I smile, startin to walk away.

"I'm Max by the way."

I turn, "Beth."

He raises his eye brows a but and tilts his head, "the Beth Greene?"

I'm confused how he knew my name, but I was also in a comma for a few months.

I nod.

"Your the cure." He runs over to me and I try to back away but soon he is holding me to his chest in a tight hug.

"Do you want to get some food, I know I came off strong but I'm an enjoyable person." He smiles and I shrug.
Might as well make friends.

Slowly we walk back to his house making conversation about what where I was from, what I planned to do with life.

We got to his porch and he opened the door for me.

"You never asked who I was before all this, or how many people I've lost." He helps remove my sweater.

It was odd, those were the usual prime aspects to a conversation now a days.

"Doesn't matter, the way I see it, the apocalypse whipped the world clean. Gave everyone a fresh start so I see no need to pretend that's all my life is about."

He smiles at me gesturing to the couch, "I'm going to get some cookies or something." Shoutin from the kitchen.

I might like this Max.

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