Chapter 14

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Daryls point of view~ you are welcome.

Faint lights come up as my body stirs, once again trying to pull me from this deep subconsciousness sleep.

I want to open my eyes, but they seem to be glued together.
Where am I?

My lungs are heavy, an' I find it very difficult to breathe.

"Daryl?" A voice I don't know asks, "Daryl can you here me?"

I can but its just so hard to move any muscle in my body, desperately I try to peel my eyes open.

I swallow, and it hurts like hell, there's somethin in my throat.

"Listen to my voice okay?"

Well what the hell else am I supposed to do?

"Don't go back to sleep."

My mind suddenly wandered back to the concept of the rest I had just escaped.


Was he here? Was I in wood bury? Last I remembered we were getting him out, well him, Glenn and Maggie.

As I blink my glossy eyes for the first time I am greeted with bright lights, forcin them back shut again, I groan.

That hurts like hell too.

"Daryl we need you to wake up."

Well be fuckin' patient.

I can only breathe through one nostril and I am suddenly realizin the cold hard slab of metal I am on.

This time, my eyes manage to stay open for a second longer, immediately gettin shootin pains through my head.

I continue trying to open them, and within a minute or two, I can see again.

I roll my shoulders, cramped muscles tryin to relax.

"Go get Rick." The voice says.

So Rick's here, huh, the governor sure doesn't know what he's doin bringin us together.

My ribs and spine spike as I try to sit up, my head is spinnin and I quickly lay down.

"Daryl?" Rick says, his face hoverin above mine.

"Fuck happened?" I ask, my voice soundin like its far away, an unrecognizable voice even to me.

Rick smiles and starts laughin, what the hell?

I lift my head up, we are in some sort of wear house, there is a light blue curtain around me, and a man I don't know in a white lab coat.

"Where's Merle?" I ask, forcin my head steady as I mange to sit up, my legs swingin of the table.

I was wearin a T-shirt and some sweat pants, I looked around the room for my vest.

"We in Woodbury?" I ask, lookin at him.

Rick looked awful clean and was wearin some ridiculous cop get up.

His hair was washed and there wasn't a speck of dirt on his face.

I look at my hands, I was clean too.

"No Daryl, we're in Alexandria, we've been here for about six months now." Rick spoke sincerely, comin towards me.

What the fuck?

"Nah, we have the prison." I say doubt founded, why was Rick pullin this shit on me.

"Daryl, that was over run, tooken down." He states.

I look up at him, unable to respond.

"Your lyin, where's my brother?" I ask forcefully, a bit pissed off.

"He's dead Daryl, died at the prison." He whispers it, and I feel a sudden loss.

Even though I was never close with my brother, he was somethin, now I have nothin again.

Rick looks at the man in the coat, raisin his eye brows.

"The temperamal lobe of his brain was damaged from the fall, with proper exercising and time he can get his memory back, there are also so medications I'm going to subscribe."

No, I didn't damange anything, we were getting Glenn and Maggie, he was lyin.

But yet I felt like something was missing, and it ate away inside me.

"And Beth?" Rick asks.

Beth? Beth Greene? What's she got to do with this?

"She's still in a coma, no sigms of recovery, and Rick? I think we need to talk about that."

Rick looked up at the man and nodded, as he excited the curtains, "there's so clothes in the drawers of that cabinet, I'll be just a moment Daryl." He excited the curtain as well to speak to the docter.

Panic set over me, just realizin that I couldn't remember anythin, nothin for a while.

It was a black hole.

But I knew somethin was there.

Inside the drawer I found an old red shirt with its sleeves torn off, somethin I recognized and was so glad I did.

Some jeans, and with gratitude, my leather vest.

It was stupid, but it was all I had left from the world I had before, I hated that I was attached to it.

As I stripped my shirt off, I was caught off guard as a curved crescent scar ran along my shoulder.
A bite.

My mind was a buzz of questions, a head ache sprouted.

"I think we should take her off the machines, its a waste of recourses." A voice whispered.

"She's your goddamn cure!" Rick spat back.

I attempted to avert my hearin, but the curtains couldn't block out any sound.

"Now we have Daryl, he has her blood, that is after all how she saved him right?"

I shuttered, confused, is that how I got this bite scar?

"No." Rick choked, "No."

He walked back into the "room" hands on hips.

"You ready to go see everyone?" He asks, sincerely.

"I don't know." I mumble, a bit embarrassed.

"What about Beth?" He asks, "she can't talk."

"Beth?" I am so confused, as he let's out a long breath. Noddin his head towards the curtain gesturin for me to follow.

I do, my heart speedin up as we walk down the hall to some one I don't know, but I am supposed to.

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