Chapter 27

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Sitten in the car I watched the bright colors of the changing leaves flutter by our window. I sat in the back seat, which kinda annoyed me, but I didn't have the energy to argue with Rick earlier.
The speedometer read 30 miles per hour, and the large amount of walkers behind us some how kept up.
I held a black walkie talkie in my hand, listenin for any one.
Daryl rode beside us on his bike, and every so often I would lose my self in his movements.
The way he casually laid back as of he was born to ride a bike. Ricks voice buzzed over the walkie talkie, snappin me out of my day dreams.
"Somethings drawing them towards Alexandria, a horn. Keep goin." He snapped at the end. I turned in my seat, attempting to listen from which direction this horn was comin from.
The walkers laggin behind us continued to follow us, some of course, strayin towards the sound.
My heart beats loudly in my chest, my lips quiver in a quick word of prayer as I think of all those with Rick and those still in Alexandria.
Sasha cursed under her breath while Abraham rolled the window down to inform Daryl of the news.
"Maybe I should go back and help." Daryl shouts over the sounds of his bike motor.
My eyes widen, he wouldn't leave us would he?
Of course he would, Daryl always needs to do the right thing.
I desperately tried to tell myself to keep my mouth shut and that it was okay if he went back, but when he looked into my window and our eyes locked, I caved.
"We might need you." I mouthed to him slowly. He glanced back other road and then back to me.
"You guys can hold down the fort for a little while." Daryl says, earning a death glare thrown at him by Sasha.
He speeds off, leavin us in his trail, my eyes wide and awestruck.
After a few minutes in silence, no one wanting to voice their concerns or opinions, Abraham mutters for Sasha to slow down.
She obeys and I glance between the two curiously.
Fox like Abe jumps out of the car, runnin towards the nearest walker and placin a knife in its soft skull.
He shouts and whoops, laughin, I can't help but crack a smile at his enjoyment.
Despite the fact that I didn't think killing them was supposed to be fun, I thought it wasn't my place to tell Abraham that.
Sasha shook her head, "idiot." Her eyes pierce mine in the review mirror and look down.
"Beth," she suddenly speaks, still fully aware of the laughter coming from Abraham outside the car.
I raise my head up to meet her gaze once again. "Hm?"
"What's it like, being bitten?" I could tell there was alot of remorse behind her voice, as if it was threatening to crack under the pressure of her sorrow.
She lost the two most important people in her life to the same cause of the scars on my ankle and wrist.
"It hurts when the teeth first sink in, but after that you don't feel much." I said reassuringly, tryin to make her feel like the ones she loved died in peace rather than pain.
"Suddenly your whole world tilts and its really hard to keep from fallin. As this flame starts by the bite. It licks the insides of your stomach and slowly spreads to your head."
Abraham jumps back into the car suddenly, "whoo." He shouts one last time, pumpin his fist in the air.
Sasha stares at him, slowly tiltin her back and forth in disappointment.
"I had it under control." Abe says pridefully.
I almost snicker in the back seat.
Sasha just scoffs, watchin the road again.
Abe looks back at me a goofy grin on his face, and I smile back.
A loud noise catches my attention, steerin my eyes back to the road where Daryl rides his motorbike back towards us.
He slows and turns around, matching our pace once more, Sasha and I smile at him.
"We're almost 30 miles out!" Sasha yells through the window, motioning with her hand that the intersection we were meant to turn at was comin up real soon.
Daryl nodded and slowly inclined his speed, as did we.
We sped down the road at a normal speed and the heard of walkers soon disappeared from my vision.
It was quiet, no one knew what was happenin back home, people could be hurt, or dead.
But we stuck to the plan like we were meant to. Driving through a small series of buildings, the sign read we had just entered "Willow Cross" an oil town.
Which explained why most the buildings were manufacture's for refining oil.
My gaze fell on the high rise buildings as we entered further into the town, it was fairly large, with avenue and streets twistin in all directions.
Gun shots were suddenly fired, and I ducked immediately. More pelted down and Sasha speed up, our windshield cracking.
Vehicles came behind us, shootin at our tires as Sasha attempted to dodge the bullets, swerving back and forth on the dirt road.
Daryl made a sharp left, and I lost him along the ally way. My heart hammered in my chest, one of the cars that was following us pulled into the direction Daryl was driving.
The other still shooting behind us, "get ready." Sasha yelled, speeding up more.
Turning a corner she slammed into a halt, quickly exiting the car with her gun. I followed, we started shooting at the vehicle, Sasha of course being the best shot took out the driver, almost immediately.
I ducked away from a bullet and fired at the man, satisfied when he went limp.
The still moving car flew into an older building, completely destroying the front of the vehicle. Smoke arose from the front and the metal grind together as it started to fall apart.
Abe laughed, and I shot daggers at him.
"We need to find Daryl. There could be more of these people." I state, justifying my dirty look towards Abe.
"Beth, he's a tracker, you know that the best way to find him is to let him come to us." Sasha replies calmly. I know she's right, but I felt so nauseous at the thought of losing Daryl to a fuckin gunshot.
I am going to kill every man in this town.
I gritted my teeth and nodded, and the both started towards the town. I retrieved the walkie talkie from the car, quickly using it to try and communicate with Daryl. But all that I got was the static noise that echoed through my head.
Slowly, we walked until we found a suitable place to stay the night in, Sasha quickly marked it with the word diXon.
The windows of the white buildin were high, which meant we could keep a look out.
We entered the building, walking into the stairs well, the house was dirty, as we all silently searched for anything useful or anything that need to be killed.
I looked out the window of a small bedroom that only consisted of a bed covered in white sheets.
The curtains from the building across the street fluttered with movement catching my eye. The windows weren't open.
Someone, something, was there,
But when a very much alive hand pulled back the curtains to reveal a scared face, and looked at me straight in the eye, I glared back.
Maybe they didn't see me, because they continue to stare nonchalantly, occasionally looking down at the road.
I left the room, not telling Abraham or Sasha about the man in the next building.
He'll die soon anyways, I thought clutching my knife with white skinny knuckles.

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