Chapter 25

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My heart hurt a bit as I watched Rick stand in the center of the room asking for volunteers. Asking people to once again leave the safety of the town.
Cringin, when Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, and Daryl all willingly came forth to help heard the walkers.

"I'll go." I said noddin at Rick, he gave me a look that told me he would deal with me later, but I pretended not to notice. I kept my shoulders squared and back straight.

Father Gabriel spoke up but was quickly shot down by Rick's "no" before getting the full statement out of his mouth. He was silent for the rest of the night.
Max entered the house and I sighed, thankful he'd decided to stop by after all, even if it was after six.
We locked eyes and he headed in my direction, picking up on the whispers that filled the room.
His eyes filled with concern when I relayed the news that I would be going the crew.
Some men and a women also spoke up, tellin Rick they were in on the plan.
"That's that then." Rick concludes "Thank you all for coming, we'll come up with a plan tomorrow and head out the day after."
Everyone nodded in agreement filing out of the house. Bidding farewell to each other but not to any of us.
Max lingered behind, and waited before he spoke.
"I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to volunteer." He quickly spewed out his excuse.
I only shrug, "doesn't matter, you hold down the fort here with Carol."
"Carol?" He asks, I point to her in her eggshell cardigan across the room sweet talkin to some other town ladies.
I admired Carol, her charade was always flawless and sometimes I wonder if she even felt at all.
"She looks intimating." He says shallowly through his accent.
"She's great." I smile at him as he still watches Carol easily dismiss the idea of her secret ingredients.
"Beth maybe you could-" Rick stops short, taking notice of Max, always struggling to trust anyone other than our original group.
They hold eye contact a bit while Rick stands beside me placing his hand on his hip right next to his gun.
"This is Max." I say, my voice abnormally cheerful, maybe compensating for the nerves that had taken over my body. Rick nods and puts out his hand to shake.
I watch the uncomfortable exchange between the two warily.
No conversation takes place until I feel the hand gently press in to the small of my back.
"You alright?" Daryl asks appearin beside me.
Right now is literally the worst time for both Rick and Daryl to suddenly care deeply care about me and who I make friends with.
"Yeah I'm fine, this is Max, my friend." I say, my body feeling super warm under his arm which was still placed on the small of my back.
Daryl doesn't make move to shake his hand like Rick had.
But I watch Max nervously shuffle in his place, lookin anywhere but the face of Rick and Daryl.
"Anyways, I'm sorry I couldn't volunteer." Max says, I just shake my head.
"It's fine." I press out, hopin to change the subject.
"Did you want to?" Rick asks, no picking up on my cues. I can see his lip curve slightly, amused at Max's discomfort.
Goddamnit Rick he wants to leave.
Max's eyes grow large as if he didn't understand the question, "of course."
"Maybe you could take Beth's spot, I'm sure she's okay with it." Rick said easily, like I wasn't there. I look up at him and scowl, but he keeps his eyes staring forward.
"No, I want to." I quickly object, fire growing in my stomach.
Daryl has been intently watching Max's movements, after all he is a hunter, taking in the signs of an animal in distress.
"That's alright, Beth told me she wanted to go and I wouldn't feel right takin that away from her" Max says, he relaxes a bit, looking at my face with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
My breath I didn't notice I had been holdin escaped from my lips. I watched as Max grew more comfortable when both Daryl and Rick nodded.
"Anyways, I should head home, eat some supper." He casually says.
"You can eat here if you'd like." I offer, knowin it would get shot down but wantin to be kind.
Daryl arm twitched from my back, and I smiled at Max.
"Nah, I already have lasagna in the oven and I don't want it to burn or go to waste." Brushing off the request he starts towards the door.
"Thanks for comin." I call after him, and he turns and winks at me leavin the house.
I laugh lightly at his departure and am quickly stopped by sudden accusations.
"You shouldn't get close to him." Rick says, starin at the door where he had disappeared.
"I like him, he's a good friend." I swear Daryl stiffens at the word like.

Well from the looks of him, he couldn't survive out there." Rick gruffs.
"I don't look like I could survive out there either." I shoot back.
"N' whats with the wink." Daryl whispers under his breath barely loud enough for me to catch.
"Yes you do." Rick says, his eyes glancin at the scar on my forehead.
Daryl nods in agreement, "I fell in love with you so you must be tough."
He says layin his hand on my shoulder, and even though I shake my head at them my cheeks heat up with blush.

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