Chapter 21

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Max looked at me, deep in the eyes, I could see his pupils dilating.

"And this one?" He asked, pointing to the long scar in the center of my wrist.

"I tried to commit suicide, with a mirror." I blush lookin down.

We sat on his couch, like we had almost everyday the past two weeks given that he lived alone.

He had two brothers and a sister, his parents he never knew.

Of course he didn't know where his one brother that had lived was either.

"Why?" Max's voice was soft, unlike Daryl's, lately I kept comparing the two.

I still told Daryl stories everyday, hoping he would fall in love with me again. But every time he left in a hurry. Like he was scared.

"My mom died. I was young." I roll my eyes.

"If you ever feel like that again," he places his warm soft hands on mine, "talk to me okay?"

I keep my mouth shut about the scar on my stomach.

He was twenty six, and had experienced many traumatic events.

He had to watch his fiancé get eaten as he hid from a large group of walkers.

Right now we were tellin the stories of our scars.

"That one?" I ask pointing to a thin line from his jaw down to his neck.

He grins ready to launch into another story.

"I was running with my family, this herd was coming and it was crazy," I listened to him talk about the size of the herd, takin a sip of my tea, thinkin what is Daryl doin right now? I snap out of it refocusing on Max.

"Then as we ran there were trip wires, I don't know where from but one was decently height and caught my neck. My sister hit it too, but she's shorter so it sliced her throat." I inhaled through my teeth, he looked down at his hands, "nothing, that you know we couldn't fix, except there was so much blood you know. So my brother tried to help her climb a tree so we wouldn't get caught." Just like me and Daryl.

"She was so light headed she fell out. Chewed up. Didn't scream, but it was horrible." He drained the rest of his coffee.

I hadn't told him about Daryl, my dad, the prison, Grady, anything like that.

"This one." He touches his thumb to the little white circle at the edge of my for head.

"I was shot." My explanations always tend to be shorted than his.

"In the head?" His eyes widened in surprise and curiosity.

"Yeah." I grin a bit, it sounds cooler when someone else says it.

"You Beth Greene, are very wanted on earth by someone up stairs." He gestures to the roof and I laugh.

"Any other scars?" I try to continue the conversation.

"There's one on my lower back from when I was a kid, the only thing my dad left me. He burnt me with a hot iron when I cursed."

My lips pursed in disgust, "that's horrible."

He nodds.

"I know a guy who went through that kinda stuff too." I say, immediately regretting it.

"Is he still around?" Max asks, noticin my sudden drop in personality.

"Yeah, he just went through a lot." I lift my head and smile.

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