Chapter 34 - Working With Progress

Start from the beginning

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked nervously, scanning the area.

"You're going to be late for class." He notified, giving me a questioning look.

"I don't care." I shrugged.

He eyed me for a moment before responding. "Alright, well if you don't mind could you take these to the laundry room?" He asked holding out his shirt and socks in pile. I nodded and took them in my hands. Just as I was turning around to head to the laundry room he called out.

"Oh, and these too." He said. I turned back to see what he was talking about an-OH GOSH, he's taking off his pants! I could feel heat crawl through my body. My face, ears and neck felt like they were on fire.

He finished pulling off his pants, revealing his gray boxer briefs, adding fuel to my fire. I did my best to play it off, but I probably gave myself away when I hurried for the door after he shot me a smirk.

I made my way to the laundry room in a daze and placed his clothes in the washing machine. I've seen my mother use this enough times when I was a kid to know how to operate it, same thing with my grandma and her sewing machine.

I did a quick wash and added a little more soap than usual to get rid of that strong smelling ketchup. That got me thinking about who could have done this. I sighed to myself trying to figure it out. Before I knew it the wash was done. I took the clothes and placed them in the dryer that sat next to the door. I took a seat on one of the benches in the room and waited for the dryer to finish. I had my head lowered to the ground and heard a noise in the distance. I looked up to see Theo making his way over. It felt as if my heart stopped beating when I caught sight of his appearance. He wore nothing but gym shorts and his hair was still wet from the shower. I froze up in my seat as he sat next to me. I tried to avoid his gaze at all cost, but somehow locked eyes with him.

"Thanks a lot for doing this." He said, growing a half smile. "I hate doing laundry, so this is a huge help." I guess Alayne was right, he really doesn't like laundry.

"N-no problem!" I stuttered nervously. The sound of beeping coming from the dryer caught both of our attention, that had to be the sound of the dryer finishing or my last name isn't Canterberry. I stood up and took his clothes from the dryer and held them up to him, trying to contain my nerves. He sent me another thankful smile before sliding his hands under mine with them sitting there for awhile. I felt my breaths growing smaller. Gosh what is he doing to me!

"Hey, wanna come over tonight?" He asked, looking curious.

"I'd love to, but I have work." I tried to act casual but I was dieing inside.

"How about after work? Its been too long since we spent time together." He whined like a little kid which made me break a smile.

"I didn't mean for it to sound weird." He said waving a hand. I laughed, but it also kind of hurt. Whenever I felt like there was a slight chance he had feelings for me they'd just get pushed under the rug by actions showing otherwise.

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