Chapter 1

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Harvey’s POV

“I can’t believe your making me choreograph One Directions new Music video! I don’t even like the stupid band!” I stated my voice raised, My boss just told me that I have to choreograph that stupid boy bands new music video that is full of different types of dance. I'm the youngest and freshest Choreographer, at the age of 17; They think because I'm young and my face is a little on the feminine side that I'm gay and have a crush on every girls dream, in fact I'm as straight as a ruler and a big ladies man.

“You are doing the Music Video and you are enjoying it; and don’t call them stupid they will be walking in the door any minute now.” She huffed. “You will be teaching the slow dance today and hip hop tomorrow, and the the days after that are to fix them both up because after that you will have to teach them the Tango and Jazz.” I groan, how I am meant to teach stupid boys to slow dance in beyond me, girls are hard enough to teach but boys…..they just don’t want to learn.

“When are their partners for the slow dance getting here?” I gave up on arguing, it would probably get me fired and I happen to like my job.

“There not; there are five of them and one of you so you have an equal amount to pair up. From what I’ve heard they are willing to learn and are very nice.” As she says that they walk in looking chipper as all their stupid music videos I had to watch, made them out to be.

“Speak of the devils and they will appear.” I mutter under my breath but the one with the quiff thing chuckled lightly so he must have heard.

I heard my boss say goodbyes and leave, great now I'm stuck with………them. “I need you all to warm up, I don’t care how just stretch and do it properly because I don’t want broken bones and if I get them I most likely get sued.” I told them and walked over to the ballet bare in front of the mirror. I put one hand on the bare and while still standing up right I lifted my leg with my other hand so my toes pointed to the roof.

“Holy F-Bumble Bees. How the hell do you get your leg up there?” The one with the quiff asked amazed.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Practice” I muttered. “Hurry up and stretch then find a partner.” I dropped my leg back to the floor, may as well show of right? I asked myself then slid down into splits. I was wearing black tights and a white crew neck t-shirt while the famous guys wore basketball shorts and singlet each in different colours. I felt eyes on me so I looked over my shoulder, only to catch the quiff guy’s eyes raking me but when he saw I noticed he looked away and blushed. I smirked feeling proud of myself. When I looked back over at him he looked me in the eyes and I felt this strange feeling bubble in side of me, I wonder what it is.

“For a slow dance you don’t need much flexibility so you should be warmed up. Find a partner and stand in the middle of the room.” They each grab someone and I get left with the guy with the quiff. “If I have to teach you all I need to know your names, I'm Harvey my friends call me Harv but you’re not my friends so don’t call me that.” They each give me their names, and I think I've heard of that Harry guy before. 

I show them the basic steps and make sure that both in each group know how to lead. “How long have you been dancing for?” Zayn, that’s his name, asks while leading me around in a slow dance to the music I chose out.

“I've done ballet since I was 3 and played with my sister’s ballet shoes.”  He smiled and I blushed. Wait I blushed? Since when do I blush?

“You’re really good” He mumbled. His were turned out so I moved my hand that was on his shoulder down to his lower back and turned his hips a bit, then he kept stumbling on my feet and going in the wrong direction.

“Zayn, I thought you won the slow dancing competition at the start of the year?” Niall asked; Zayn glared at him. “Sorry I didn’t know that you liked the guy.” Liam slapped him on the back of the head. “Oops”

I pushed Zayn away, “You pretended that you needed help so that I would put my hands on you because you have a crush on me?” I felt funny in the chest, but not bad funny, I think it’s called Love. But I didn’t show it because I'm not letting him get away with it and I'm straight………

“It’s kind of sweet if you think about it.” Harry stated, I shook my head, no.

“Show me how you dance then if you’re so good.” Before I even finished my sentence I was swept off my feet into a slow dance, I decided to challenge him by speeding out tempo up into a fast slow dance. He picked up on what I was doing and matched my tempo and then dipped me for the end of our dance. I stood back up and looked around the room to find it empty. Zayn walked over to me and kissed the side of my mouth.

“See you tomorrow.” He whispered before making his way out of the room. My heart was thumping fast and not because I just fast slow danced but because of the kiss. My fingers made their way to the side of my mouth where he left that kiss; I think I might be gay.


Hip hop the next day went alright, they all picked up fairly quick so I didn’t have to spend much time correcting them.  But today is the tango, tango is a dance of passion but the worst thing of all is that while dancing the tango you have to keep your bodies pressed together and since the slow dance lesson Zayn hasn’t paired up with anyone but me so that means I have to have his body close to mine the whole lesson.

I have already taught 2 different classes this morning and one of them was hip hop in which my boss thought to add to the effect she would rip my shirt open so you could see sweat making my abs shine, so now I don’t have a spare shirt and I'm going to be stuck with five guys and one of them has a crush on me, just fantastic…..note my sarcasm.

I hear the door open and in come the five guys that aren’t as hopeless as I thought they would be. I shake each of their hands as usual but this time instead of shaking my hand Zayn decides he would smack a kiss on my cheek, I glare at him in return.

“Just keeping you on your toes babe” He’s flirting again.

“Don’t call me babe. Hurry up and stretch so I can teach you to tango, because after that I have to show you the choreography that I made.” They all start to warm up while I go over to the CD player and put in the disc labeled Tango. 

“You look hot today babe.” Zayn whispered in my ear.

“Stop calling me Babe, I’m not your babe.” I was blushing and the mirror in front of me was a pain in the ass, because I could see him looking at my cheeks and grinning like a fool.

“Pink suits you.” He whispers and then walks away while I blush harder.

I Gotta Feeling - Zayn Malik Love Story (BoyxBoy) ON HOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن