Seconds later Hunter walked in followed by the nurse and Parker. 

"Well Marley you are going to be going home. You can not watch TV or read or any running. I don't think you have concussion, only a really bad headache so you are to rest understand?" She asked, 

"Yep," I stood up slowly under the watchful gaze of the boys. Didn't they realise i had had much worse. Xavier and hunter were sent back to class whilst Parker helped me to the car. The drove back to the house was peaceful. Parker kept the conversation going, making me laugh when he cracked a joke. 

"What happened with you and Blake last night?" He asked as we neared the gates. "You don't have to tell me," he continued when I didn't say anything. 

"No it's alright I was just thinking. Nothing happened i just needed someone to talk to and he was there," I told him,

"Oh yeah i heard about what Sally said to you. Seriously don't take any notice she is just worried that someone will take her precious Xavier away,"

"oh god she can have him I wouldn't go there if he was the last boy on the earth," He cracked up laughing and parked the car. 

"And that is the reason I like you," 

I smiled and followed Parker into the house. 

"Ill get you some more ice for your eye. Your going to have a lovely black eye." he told me before heading to the kitchen. I made my way to the lounge and saw the Blake was there reading. Shirtless might I add. 

"How Parker where did you go?" he asked not looking up. I laughed making him look up. "What the hell are you doing-" he stopped mid sentence jumping up and walking towards me. Angry covering face. "Who did this? I will make them pay!" he growled.

"Calm down matey, I got hit by a flying rugby ball and then smacked my head on the ground. luckily I don't have concussion," I told him. Slowly his anger disappeared making way for sympathy. 

"Come on sit down on the coach you better rest," 

I made my way and sat in the middle of the three seater. Blake moved and sat next to me placing a pillow on his lap. I rested my head on it and lifted my legs up onto the coach. Slowly i found myself relaxing as he messaged my scalp.

"I always knew you were going to be clumsy," 

"Shut up," I growled trying to be angry but no matter what he said i was to tired to care. After last night s party and today’s incident i was ready to have a good night sleep. I heard Parker come in and  felt him cover my eye with an ice pack. Not long after that i fell asleep. 

"You know your not aloud to come in here!"  My mother shouted grabbing my arm. I tried to yank it free but she just dug her nails in. I whimpered in pain, tears threatening to escape. 

"Im sorry, the phone it was for you," I whispered holding the phone up towards her. She  ripped it out of my hand, i thought that she was going to let me go but instead she chucked the phone at the wall behind me causing it to shatter.

"You never no matter what come in here, I don't know how many time i have to tell you. But I promise you, you will never forget it after I’m finished with you!" She shouted in my face. An evil glint in her eyes. She pulled me out of her room and down into the basement. I knew what was going to happen. I was going to learn my lesson.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked on it. I screamed out in pain as i felt it being yanked from the roots. 

"Please please stop. I’m so sorry," I cried. She raised her other hand and slapped me clean across the face.

"You never talk unless spoken to understand." I nodded and prayed to the gods that she would stop.    She brought  her hand up and again and punched me in the stomach causing me to fly back against the wall. I sunk to the floor winded. She moved closer and kicked me again and again....... 


"Marley please wake up!" Someone called in the distance. I shot up, my body covered in sweat and my heart beating extremely fast. Tears ran down my face. That wasn't just a dream it was memory. 

I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, resting my head on them. Sobs racked through my body. I didn't bother covering up my cries I just let them out. I felt someone sit on the bed next to me and arms wrapped around me. I rested my head in their chest not bothering who it was just glad that someone seemed to care about me .

"It's ok, Marley everything is going to be ok," The person whispered into my ear as they stroked my back. My tears soaked his shirt but I didn't stop. I couldn't.

I had spent years hiding the way I felt. I spent years hiding my pain, my emotions. I had hidden the fact that it hurt that no one seemed to care about me. That  everyone had just used me. Right now i was sick of pretending I needed someone to love me to take care of me. But most of all someone to be there. Someone that truly cared and wasn't pretending. 

"Marley you need to tell me what you are so upset," the voice told me. I frowned through my tears. Blake already knew what was wrong why would he ask me to explain. Of course he didn't know what exactly happened it my dream but of course he would know it was something along the lines of what i told him yesterday. 

"It was a dream about the day.... The day mum took me down to the basement she said she was teaching a lesson-" Sobs covered my words again. 

"Wait Marley what are talking about?"

I looked up confused into a face that wasn't Blake’s. I had just told another person my secret.

Oh no


ok here is another chapter. The first person to comment will get the next chapter dedicated to them. 

Teaser: Who do you think it is? Will she tell them her secret????

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Surviving the Boys {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora