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You see, he never really wanted to hide. Never really planned it. That's just how life turned out for him. So he's spent days and weeks and months covering the darkness inside him, burying it deep down under. But where things can't be seen is often where they do the most damage and as his mother's brows crease in that familiar jigsaw of frowns he can only think one thing. Enduring what he feels must be his seventeenth consecutive "I'm disappointed in you" speech it occurs to him:

I bet you don't know me at all. And if you ever did it'd break you like it's broken me...but if that day ever comes and you ever meet me as me I hope I get to see it. That last shattering. When you realise just what I am. I'm sick and twisted and broken and I hope to god I'm there to see that realisation in your eyes as it dies...

Because you know what? Fuck you

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