"Since the beginning of man, there have been other beings. Each has come about in their own way carrying their own history. When you have different beings with different needs and beliefs there is bound to be a clash. To ensure peace between them, The USC--United Supernatural's Council was formed. The council is made up of two beings from each group. They are usually the oldest of their kind but in the case of the humans, they're specially screened and trained."

The moment he took a break from speaking I used it to my advantage to ask the major question sitting on my tongue.

"If you're not human, then what are you?"

That kind smile, warm and comforting was back with his hand now caressing the back of mine to keep me calm. Our eyes met and without further hesitation he answered, "I'm a wolf Baby."

A wolf? My father is a wolf? I suppose a normal person would flip out or something of that nature but instead, my mind started filling with the very questions that's plagued me before our meeting. What if he isn't my father? There is nothing...wolfie...about me so if what he's saying is real, how could he be my Dad? After that my mind starts going over the situation. This man isn't my father, most likely a wackjob and I'm stuck in the backseat of a moving car with him. I gotta get out of here!

"Rayne." His voice calm but stern lured my eyes from the door handle I was plotting to lift and jump from this vehicle. He's going to feed me some bullshit now. This is how it always goes. He's going to tell me his plans for me and what's going to happen if I don't go along with it, I just know it!

"Look at me Rayne."

I didn't want to but any person that has seen a scary movie will tell you that it's best to go along with a crazed man's wishes until you see a way out. I looked up at Roger just in time to see his eyes flash from the dark green similar to mine to a light brown the same shade as a thin layer of honey. I gasped moving away from him so quickly that I hit my hand on the window yanking it away from him. Within seconds his eyes were back to their original state and he was coolly fixing his clothes as if nothing happened.

"That's impossible! Your eyes! That was...you can't be..."

"I am Sweetie and the only reason why you're not is because of Helena. Whenever our kind mates with any other being traits are lost. You have my blood running through you but you looks, smell, and are very much human. That is the main reason why I wasn't supposed to be with your mother. My kind is discouraged from taking any other as a mate if it won't benefit our race. I knew this rule all along but her love blinded me...and still I regret nothing."

I got quiet after that. I don't know what to say if there is anything to say. After what I just saw I have no choice but to believe it but...this is just crazy. The two men--wolves I guess--in the front seat are once again looking at me, this time expectantly. Are they waiting for me to react? Say something? Ask a question? If they are, they're shit out of luck. I have no questions, only concerns and fears that I'm trying my damnedest not to show.

I diverted my eyes from them for this reason and just looked down at my hands. I could feel Roger's displeasure over my sudden meekness and distance between us. I heard him sigh his frustration but still couldn't think of anything to say to him. Deep down I hoped he'd say something to me to help things along, maybe give me an idea for a question or something but that didn't come until nearly ten-minutes later when the car came to a stop in front of the courthouse. The two men got out and opened the door for us, the one on my side opting not to take my hand this time. Roger on the other hand had no problem touching me and showed it with the gentle caressing of my cheek.

"I know it's all hard to believe and a lot to take in Rayne. For that I'm sorry. I will not object if you decide you want nothing to do with me after tonight but please understand that now that I have knowledge of your existence, I have no intention of leaving you on your own. One of my men will always be around to protect you and there will be nothing in this world within reason that you can't have. I knew that rule and it's purpose but I would not change you for the world."

With that he dropped his hand to his side and turned to walk into the building. I jogged up behind him slipping my hand into his without a second thought and smiled as he greeted me with one of his own. This is all crazy and probably won't be seen as anything but crazy for a long time but my heart won't let me cast him away. I've wanted this--wanted my father to be with me for so long and regardless of what he just told and showed me, I still want it. His being something that I always assumed was created for books, movies, and parents to keep their kids in line does not change the fact that he's my father. If he were going to be harm me, he would have by now. He's had many chances to take me somewhere and kill me but instead he has been nothing but kind.

There was a silent choice placed before me. I could accept him the way he accepted me or I could reject him and go back to the lonely life I was leading just days ago.

Squeezing his hand a little tighter, I made my choice. This shit is going to take some getting used to though.

As we entered the courthouse I noticed a few men walking up from behind us until they were a steady pace before us while a few others stayed behind. They were all dressed like the two men from the car, were just as big, but looked deathly serious. They followed us to an elevator, climbed in ahead of us then stood in the front as if they were bodyguards. One of them pressed the red button that I always assumed was used for an emergency stop and just like that we were moving downward.

As soon as the elevator came to a stop two of the men stepped out, looked around then motioned for us to follow. I was hesitant of course, seeing this dark hall that was aligned with candles on the walls and a lengthy red carpet. Roger gave my hand a gentle tug looking at me as if to say, 'You're safe with me'. It was only then that I moved my feet along the path the men led for us to a set of heavy looking double doors with two more men in front of it. Their eyes immediately fell upon me, scrutinizing me from head to toe with an unreadable expression. A low growl from beside me was the only thing that seemed to break their gaze to the point that they visibly shrunk back.

They shared a look before looking to me again while opening the doors. I was rooted to the floor, too afraid to pass these men with pale skin and a strange look in their eyes. My hand was tugged gently for the second time prompting me to move. I let my eyes fall to the floor allowing my father to guide me. Even as we came to a stop I kept my eyes lowered.

"Councilman Gallo. Late as usual." A woman with a sultry voice almost purred seeming annoyed with a hint of flirtation behind it.

"I would not be me if I didn't make an entrance." I could tell Roger was amused although his tone suggested his face was expressionless.

"True. Too bad you're not our last arrival this time."

On cue the doors opened again behind us and for some reason I felt this strong need to turn toward them. Fighting back my nerves and the twinge of fear gripping me I looked up from the red carpet never expecting to see the face that had only become clear to me earlier today. Standing just a few feet from me with men of his own guarding him just as they'd guarded me and Roger was a man with dark eyes staring straight into my soul. He's the man that I couldn't seem to get off my mind. He is the man of my dreams.

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