I nodded. "Kid and me both have. Have you seen it too, Professor? The strong fear that emanates from her soul?"

"I have. Though I'm not sure what she's afraid of. Like right now, during a battle, her soul is calm and composed. Yet in my class and every other time I've seen her, the only thing coming from her soul is fear."

I smiled. "That's why all of us are trying so hard to get to know her. Maybe in time, she'll open up to us."

My gaze went over to where Kid stood as I said, "Kid has been the most determined of all of us. He's practically taken it upon himself to see that she will accept us as her friends."


I glanced back at Stein before returning my gaze to the battle underway.

Luna's pov

Throughout our battle, me and Blackstar have both managed to land a few hits on the other. I could tell Blackstar was getting annoyed.

"This fight's gone on long enough! Tsubaki, smoke bomb!"


Tsubaki changed from and Blackstar threw her on the ground. The area was enveloped in smoke, I couldn't see a thing.

"Hmph, I don't need my eyes to fight you."

I closed my eyes and listened. I could hear his movements. I waited for an opportunity and continued listening.

I could faintly hear something flying through the air. My eyes snapped open and I moved to the side just in time to see one end of the chain scythe fly past me.

I quickly grabbed the chain, stopping the weapon in midair. I smirked.

"Is this the best you've got?"


I looked in the direction of the voice to see the other end of the chain scythe coming toward me. My eyes grew wide as I tried to dodge to the side.

I didn't move quick enough and the blade scraped right above my right eye.

I dropped to the ground, now holding a hand over my blood coated eye. I noticed the smoke beginning to disperse and I could once again see our audience.

I slowly removed my hand, seeing the blood dripping from my face and hand. I heard Blackstar's annoying laugh as I stared in shock.

His laugh seemed to echo in my head as I felt my anger rise. I slowly stood, growling as I glared at him.

I quietly muttered, "Drake, Drew."

They replied in unison, "On it."

I felt their power flowing over my hands and arms. I touched the ground before slowly bringing my hands up.

As I raised my hands, pieces of the ground around me floated up alongside me. I could see the shock on Blackstar's face.

I suddenly threw my hands forward, and at my command, the rocks flew toward Blackstar. I pummeled him with rocks and boulders until he could barely stand.

I then dropped the rocks and rushed forward, pouncing on him and pinning him down. A low growl erupted from my throat as I had my claws ready to tear his face apart as he stared up at me in fear.


Tsubaki's worried voice echoed from her weapon form.

"Luna, stop!"

I ignored the twin's desperate cries.

"Enough! Battle's over!"

I snapped out of my angry state and looked over at Stein who now stood with a serious expression. I looked back at the shocked Blackstar under me and quickly stood, walking over him.

A Meister's Curse (A Soul Eater Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें