Family Dinner

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"Come on Maisie, you've got to eat," Kurt said gently, but the little girl shook her head.

"I'm not hungry," she said, holding her stomach.

"Your stomach hurting?" Noah asked. She nodded.

"Do you want to go lie on the couch? Maybe try eating a little later?"

She nodded again.

"Alright, go on," Kurt said gently, watching as she scampered off and climbed onto the couch, curling up tightly. He smirked gently and looked at Noah who was rubbing his forehead.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," Noah nodded, "Just a headache."

"You've been getting headaches quite a bit lately."

"Just stress," Noah shrugged, "Nothing to worry about." Kurt nodded, they'd definitely had a lot to be stressed about lately.

"Why don't you go join Maisie on the couch?" he suggested, "Bring your dinner in there, see if you can get her to eat anything?"

Noah nodded and stood, kissing Kurt's head before walking into the other room to join their daughter.

Kurt turned to Shane. "How about you? You sick too?"

"I'm good," Shane said and Kurt laughed.

"Glad to hear it," he said, "How about you and I finish dinner in here and then we'll join Papa and your sister for a movie, okay?"

Shane nodded and started eating fasting while Kurt just shook his head and rolled his eyes at the boy's antics.

They finished their dinner and the four sat down for a movie. They ended up watching Lilo & Stitch which had become the kids favourite and most-watched Disney movie they owned.

When it was over, Kurt and Noah carried the kids to bed and then settled in for the night themselves.

"Your head still hurting?" Kurt asked Noah as they laid in bed.

"Bit," Noah nodded.

"Maybe you should go see a doctor," Kurt suggested.

"Nah, I'm good," Noah said.

"Oh no mister," Kurt turned to look at him, "I said I was fine and you made me go to a doctor."

"Yeah and you were fine," Noah pointed out.

"But you still made me go!" Kurt said with a laugh. "Promise me you'll go if the headaches continue."


"Promise me!"

"Alright! Alright, I promise," Noah finally said.

"Thank you," Kurt said satisfied. "Annoying, isn't it?"

"Shut up," Noah laughed, pulling Kurt close.

"Noah!" Kurt squealed.

"Shhh," Noah hushed him, "We've got kids now, gotta keep it down." He pressed his lips to Kurt's, silencing the other man's giggles.

Some nice family time with Kurt, Noah, and the kids. Unfortunately though, it isn't going to last forever. I've got lots of angst coming up this story. Don't blame me, it's all based on prompts and suggestions I got from all of you.

Also, I totally forgot Noah proposed to Kurt in "Sick". I thought he had, but I couldn't remember for sure until I went back and scanned through. All my fanfics have started to blend together by this point in my life.

So, just to clarify, Kurt and Noah are married in this story. I'll remember that from now on, I promise!

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!

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