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            "What happened?" a doctor asked, rushing forward as Shane was wheeled in.

            "He fell," Kurt said, holding Maisie in his arms as he followed swiftly, "He has OI."

            "What?" the doctor glanced at him in confusion.

            "Osteogenesis Imperfecta," Kurt explained, "His bones break really easily. He slipped near the bottom step, but..." Kurt gestured helplessly to the boy on the stretcher.

            "What else can you tell us about his condition?" the doctor asked.

            "Um, I have his records here," Kurt said, passing the folder to a nurse.

            "Alright, we'll do everything we can for him, but you need to wait out here," the nurse said.

            "Can't I go with him?" Kurt asked desperately.

            "I'm sorry," she shook her head and Kurt could go nothing but watch as they whisked Shane down the hall. Kurt took a shaky breath.

            "Is Shane gonna be okay?"

            Kurt looked down at the girl in his arms and tried to smile at her.

            "The doctors are helping him," he said, "Come on, let's call papa."


            Noah arrived at the hospital with his heart in his throat. He had been at work when Kurt had called to say Shane had had an accident and had rushed out without saying a word.

            "I'm looking for my son," he choked out, "Shane Hummel-Puckerman."

            The nurse gave him a sympathetic look and Noah felt his heart beat faster.

            "Fourth floor, room 412," she told him and he rushed off to the elevator. He shifted impatiently. How slow was this elevator? Noah was just considering taking the stairs when it finally arrived.

            Noah stopped for a moment outside the door to 412 and took a deep breath. When he walked in he understood the look the woman at the desk at had given him.

            Shane was lying in the hospital bed, fast asleep, and looked just like he had the day he and Kurt had met him. He had a large cast on his left leg and another on his arm, but now Noah could also see bandages wrapped around his chest and one on his head.


            He crouched down and lifted Maisie into his arms.

            "Hey sweetheart," he said, hugging her close and looking up at Kurt who was sitting next to Shane's bed. "Hey."

            "Hi," Kurt said, bottom lip trembling. Noah waved him over and held Kurt tight as the smaller man finally let a few tears escape.

            "He slipped," Kurt said, his voice strained, "Near the bottom step, he slipped. And he broke three bones, fractured his ribs, and fractured a bone in his hand."

            "What about his head?" Noah asked, hoping Shane didn't have a concussion.

            "He hit it, but they did some scans and there's no breaks," Kurt replied, "God Noah... right near the bottom..."

            "It wasn't your fault," Noah said firmly, knowing that's what Kurt was thinking. "We knew stuff like this would happen. As much as we hoped it wouldn't, we knew there was no avoiding this."

            "I didn't know what to do," Kurt whispered, ignoring what Noah said, "He was just lying there crying and I knew I had to fix it, but I didn't know how."

            "But you did cause you got him," Noah said.

            "I almost forgot all his papers," Kurt said, "If the paramedics hadn't said to grab anything he may need... And it was Maisie who remembered her mask..."

            "Well that's cause this lady is so smart," Noah said and the girl giggled. Noah looked back at Kurt and saw the pained look on his face.

            "I know it was scary," he said, "For everyone. And as much as I hate to say it, but I think we'll probably be spending a lot of time here. Hopefully not for things like this, but between tests and treatments for both of them. Things will get easier, we'll learn the best ways to do things and we'll learn what's best for them and how to get it."

            Kurt nodded slowly and leaned his head against Noah, running his hand up and down Maisie's back as he looked at the boy in the bed, knowing Noah was right. It would take time, but these were their kids, and it was their job to make sure they got the best possible treatment at times like this. Kurt never wanted to end up here like this again, but when they did he would make sure both his kids were alright.

Chapter 13! I was actually pretty pleased with this chapter and I hope you were too!


Next up the kids meet the Glee Club!


Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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