100% and Shopping Day

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            "So you're 100% certain about this?" Amanda asked them several weeks later.

            "Absolutely," Kurt nodded.

            "We're sure," Noah agreed.

            "Alright," Amanda smiled widely at them, "Well, all your information check out. It'll take a few weeks for these papers to go through, but once you sign them it'll only be a short while before Shane and Maisie are officially yours.

            Kurt and Noah were beaming as they signed paper after paper after paper. But finally, it was done.

            "There we go," Amanda said, "Like I said, these will take a few weeks to go through. But once it does I'll give you a call."

            "And then we can take them home?" Noah asked.

            "Yes," she nodded, "Do you gentleman have any questions?"

            "Actually, I do have one," Kurt replied, "We've been trying to prepare for bringing them home for a while now, but do you have any advice? Anything you think we should that we may not have thought of?"

            "Well, you know from your first meeting with them that school is an obstacle for both children," Amanda said, "So that's something you need to prepare for. Home schooling might be something you consider, especially for Maisie as she is so young and her medication and treatments can wipe her out sometimes. But for Shane, from talking to the women at the group home, the biggest issue for him seems to be lack of classroom support. The school he's at now doesn't have the resources to help him and as much as we've tried to, there's only so much we can do. Now, have you got their rooms set up?"

            "We were waiting until we knew things were official," Kurt said and she nodded in understanding.

            "I would recommend beds that are close to the ground, maybe even putting bars on the sides," Amanda said, "The woman who runs the group home says Shane's had nightmares and fallen out of bed before and Maisie sometimes needs machines to help her breathe at night so the less heavy lifting everyone has to do would probably be better. I know all this probably seems like a lot, but honestly, at the end of the day, trust your gut. I knwo you both have done a lot of reading and research on things you can do so trust your instincts. Everything else will come time."

            "Thank you so much," Kurt said as he and Noah shook her hand. "Honestly, you've helped us more than either of us can express."

            "I've been supervising Shane and Maisie's case since they entered the system," Amanda said, "It's good to see them finally going to a good home." They shook hands again and then left her office, climbing into the car.

            "So what do we do now?" Kurt asked.

            "Well, we've only got a few weeks until they're home with us," Noah said, "I'd say it's about time we got their rooms ready. Why don't we head home and take some measurements and then tomorrow we can got shopping for stuff for their rooms?"

            "That sounds like a perfect idea to me," Kurt said happily, "I can't believe this is happening. In a few weeks we're going to be parents!"

            Noah chuckled as Kurt all but squealed in happiness and the pair drove off home.


            The next day, Kurt and Noah left their house early, ready to spend the whole day buying everything (or almost everything) Shane and Maisie would need.

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