Doctor's Appointment

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"But I booked today off!" Noah exclaimed down the phone. "You said it wouldn't be an issue!"

Kurt came down the stairs with the kids. 'What's wrong?' he mouthed, but Noah just shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"So now you're saying I have to come in?" Noah said in frustration, "Fine, yeah sure. Problem? Oh no, no problem, I'll just miss my kid's doctors appointment, no big deal." He hung up.

"Was that your boss?" Kurt asked as he got Shane and Maisie's breakfast ready.

"Yup," Noah huffed, "He's decided I need to come in today. No particular reason why, just because he says I need to." He growled in frustration. "We made the appointment for today because it was the only damn day he'd give me off!"

"Noah, language!" Kurt admonished.

"Papa! That's twenty-five cents!" Maisie called and Noah sighed, pulling a quarter out of his pocket and dropping it in the jar.

"At this rate you two are gonna be rich," Finn said, walking into the kitchen. "The number of times I've seen you put money in there this weekend." Finn placed Chris on the floor and watched the boy toddle around for a moment before looking at his brother and best friend. "What's going on?"

"I have to go into work which means I'm going to miss Maisie's appointment."

"Babe, don't worry about it, I can take the kids and I'll call you as soon as we're done and let you know everything the doctor says," Kurt said.

"I'll go with you," Finn volunteered. "If that's allowed and you guys are cool with it?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," Kurt said, "Are you sure though?"

"Of course as long as you don't mind me bringing Chris along," Finn said.

"I'm sure it'll be a nice distraction for Shane to have him there while we talk to the doctor about Maisie," Kurt smiled at his brother. "Thanks Finn."

"Thanks man," Noah nodded and Finn smiled at them.

A short while later, the six of them left the house.

"Let me know how it goes," Noah said, kissing Kurt before bending down to kiss the kids on the head.

"I will," Kurt promised, "Try not to kill your boss, I need you home for dinner tonight and can't afford to bail you out."

Noah laughed and climbed into his car as Kurt, Finn, and the kids climbed into Kurt's. They arrived at the hospital after a short drive and Kurt helped the two kids out of the car. He carried Shane and held Maisie's hand while Finn held Christopher and they made their way inside.

"Hi, we have an appointment with Dr. Turner," Kurt told the woman at the front desk.

"Fourth floor, paediatrics," she said and the group made their way up in the elevator.

"Hi Dr. Turner!" Maisie exclaimed when she saw him.

"Hello Maisie! Shane!" he said, smiling widely at them both. "And you must be Kurt and Noah."

"Oh, no, I'm Kurt and this is my brother, Finn," Kurt explained. "Noah got called into work."

"Well, it's nice to meet you both," Dr. Turner shook their hands. "Now, we have a lot to talk about and I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but first I was hoping we could get a blood sample from Maisie. We haven't done one in a while and we like to do them regularly to make sure her treatments aren't having any negative effects."

"Okay," Kurt nodded, "Are you okay to wait with Shane?"

"Yeah sure," Finn nodded.

"You guys can wait in my office," Dr. Turner told them and after getting Shane settled, Kurt and Maisie followed the doctor down the hall and back into the elevator.

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