Checking In

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They got back to the house and took the kids inside.

"Uncle Finn?" Shane said from his place in Finn's arms and Kurt smiled. One good thing had come out of Shane's fall, he had started calling Kurt and Noah 'dad' and 'papa' and when he'd met Finn and Carole, while he'd been a little hesitant at first, he had eventually called them 'uncle' and 'grandma'.

"Yeah buddy?"

"Will you... will you play with me?"

Finn smiled at the boy. "Yeah of course, what d'you want to play?"

Shane shrugged.

"Papa just bought new games for his game thing," Maisie said.

"His game thing...?" Finn said slowly, looking at his brother for assistance.

"Noah's X-Box," Kurt laughed, "Shane and Maisie had never played video games before, but all the ones we had weren't really appropriate for an eight and four year old so Noah went out a got a couple just before you guys came to visit."

"What did he get?" Finn asked the kids and Maisie ran over to the cupboard.

"Hey 'Mario Party', there's something we can all play," Finn said.

"Can we daddy?" Maisie asked.

"Tell you what, you two play with Uncle Finn for now, I have some stuff I have to do," Kurt replied. "But how about we ask papa when he gets home and the five of us can play again after dinner, okay?"

Maisie nodded excitedly and clambered up on the couch next to her brother while Finn set up the game.

"Are you okay to keep them occupied? I just have a couple calls to make," Kurt said quietly.

"Yeah, no problem," Finn smiled, "If there's an issue I'll just shout."

"Thanks Finn," Kurt smiled and went downstairs.

Since adopting the kids Kurt had hardly been down here. He had told his team that he'd be taking a bit of personal time to help get the kids settled and that if they had any problems just to give him a call.

Kurt say down and pulled out his phone, dialling the number of one of the girls he worked with.

"Hey Dani, just wanted to check in and see how things are going? ... Yeah? Alright, awesome. ... Yeah, things are good here, just got back from Maisie's doctor's appointment and now the kids are playing video games with my brother. ... Yeah, they love him. ... Alright Dani, thanks so much. ... Talk to you soon."

Kurt hung up, feeling much better knowing that T&K Fashion was being taken care of.

Kurt leaned back in his chair and sighed deeply, trying to relax and process everything. Between Shane's accident and all the information they had just been given about Maisie...

Kurt picked up the phone and dialled again. It seemed to ring for ages before...

"Hi, you've reached Burt Hummel, leave your-"

Kurt hung up and stared at his phone. He wanted nothing more than to talk to his dad... But he couldn't. His dad had started this and his dad would have to fix this.

Kurt took a deep breath before he texted Noah to let him know they were home and that he would tell him everything when he got home. Kurt stood and, after one more relaxing breath, he went upstairs to join his family.

I wasn't crazy about this chapter. I'm still figuring things out with Kurt's work so this seemed like a good idea for a kind of filler chapter, but I had a real issue getting my ideas on paper.

Next chapter will be brotherly stuff between Kurt and Finn!

Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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