Uncle Finn

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"It's gonna be strange not having you here," Kurt said, watching Finn pack up his and Christopher's stuff.

"I'll be back to visit soon," Finn smiled at him. "I've got a niece and nephew here now."

"Oh, so coming to see me and Noah wasn't a good enough reason?" Kurt teased and Finn laughed.

"Hey, I know you and Puck have crazy jobs out here, but you guys should come visit Lima soon," Finn said. "Come see Mr. Schue and the new Glee Club? Show 'em how things are really done."

Kurt laughed, but shook his head. "I'd love to Finn, but, uh... I don't think I'll be able to come to Lima for a while."

"You've gotta talk to your dad eventually," Finn said desperately.

"I can't Finn," Kurt said, "I want to, believe me, I want to. I even called him a few days ago... But I just can't do it Finn. He did this and I have no idea why and I can't just forgive that without an explanation."

Finn nodded. "Yeah, I get it," He said, "If it's any consolation, I think he's missing you too. He acts weird whenever we mention you and he stomps around or goes off and does something alone. He wants to talk to you too, he just doesn't know how."

"Well, he'll need to figure it out because I have other things to focus on," Kurt said and Finn sighed, but knew there was no point in saying any more on the subject.

"What time does your plane leave?" Kurt asked.

"Few hours." Finn replied, "Should probably head out soon."

"I'm really glad you came to stay," Kurt said. "Shane and Maisie love you and it meant a lot to me and Noah, you being here."

"I'm glad I got to meet them," Finn smiled, happy to be onto a nicer topic. "They're great kids, they seem really happy here."

"That's definitely nice to hear," Kurt smiled at his brother. "And the others? They were okay with them?"

"They loved 'em," Finn said, "I think at first none of them were sure what to expect and they were a little worried about hurting them, especially after seeing Shane's cast. But once they saw them playing and talked to them they definitely relaxed a but and everyone thought they were great. Mom especially, I thought she was going to cry the night before they left."

Kurt laughed softly. "Well, you guys are welcome to come back anytime."

"All of us?" Finn asked and Kurt gave his brother a withering look.

"If it'll make you happy Finn, yes, all of you," Kurt said and Finn beamed at him. Oh yeah, he'd make this happen."

Alright, so, a little brotherly moment between Finn and Kurt and now Finn is conspiring. Things are going to be getting interesting.

Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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