"That's a bad word." Emory glanced up at me now, a ghost of his past happiness shined in his eyes. If I didn't get this kid happy again Colton was going to kill me. "I'm going to go upstairs now, okay?"

"No, stay." I forced myself. "Tell me about yourself."

"Hm? Oh...I dunno. I like to dig. Do you like to dig?"


"Oh." said Emory deadly, that sad look returning to his eyes. "I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm sorry." I shifted forward a bit. "You're a good kid, you know. I don't want you to be bothered by me. I'm just a grumpy adult."

Emory gave me a hesitate smile. "Really? I don't want to make you angry. If I make you angry, you'll hit me. Like you hit Daddy."

My eyes narrowed as I found myself jumping to my feet. "What are you talking about? Who told you that?"

Emory shrunk away from me and it quickly came to my realization that I was shouting. But I didn't care. "Who? Who told you that?"

"I-I just know--"

"You don't just know. Did your father tell you this? While you two were out?"

I stopped suddenly aware of the fact that Emory's terror filled face was level with my own. I looked up to see my hand clamped around his little arm in a vise grip. I could see the bruising taking place. I quickly lowered him back to couch. He began to sob then. I placed a hand over my mouth in horror. No. It was bad enough hurting my mate but a child? "I--I'm going. Stay in your room."

I didn't look back or make sure he understood. I just left the room.


The bodies laid in front of them.

Hayden's body was trembling with both fury and pain. The slashes on his body weren't at all on his mind. He was too busy kneeling at his mate's side. Ayden had taken off trying to get the pack medic. "Stay with me baby."

"P-pups," he murmured, eyes fluttering violently. He looked ready to pass out. Hayden just needed to keep him conscious.

"Save your strength honey. I'm going to keep you and our pups alive."

But Hayden wasn't so sure. He was growing light headed...he wasn't completely unaware of all the blood he was losing. He wasn't so sure what he was supposed to do. But he did know that his mate was what mattered. He didn't care if he bled out--just as long as his mate was alive. A dark brown wolf came bolting down, leaves flying up behind him. Autumn was at full blast. Soon he'd shifted back, panting heavily, saying, "She's coming. She's coming--" He bent over, gasping. "Fuck! Baby? Can you hear me? Help's coming, baby. It's coming. Just stay strong, okay?"

"Pups," he rasped again, eyes drifting shut.

Ayden took his hand tightly, squeezing it. "Stay with me baby."

"P-p-p--" he faded off, eyes drifting shut again.

"When? When is she coming!" screamed Ayden. "Soon! Soon--"

Two wolves, dappled gray and brown came into the clearing. They each had a duffel-bag clamped in their jaws. They shifted, ripping open the bags. "Back away. She'll be here shortly."

Ayden did so numbly. The young male and female looked at the two men. Then at the two dead bodies. "Your injuries will not kill you. We'll tend to you when we can."

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