Chapter 2: Thestrals and Carriages

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Unspoken Truths: Chapter 2

After three naps, six chocolate frogs, and two licorice wands, the Hogwarts express lurched to a stop. They were finally back at Hogwarts and Lylah had the worst stomach ache ever. As they approached the carriages, things only got worse. There before her stood the strangest looking creatures. They were all black, had the appearance of a horse with wings, but yet looked like some type of demon with hollowed out eyes and a skeletal figure. They were attached to the carriages, which was very odd because the carriages always pulled themselves.

“Your not the only one who can see them. Harry and I can too. It seems like more people can after the war.” Lylah turned around to see Luna Lovegood behind her, pulling a rather rare piece of steak from her bag. She then walked up to the creatures and fed each of them a bite. “What are they?” Lylah choked on her words as one came up to her and nudged her shoulder. “They're called thestrals. Many believe them to be bad luck, but I think they are terribly misunderstood. The carriages never really have pulled themselves, its always been thestrals.” Luna came over to the thestral nearest Lylah and pulled it back into its spot behind the other thestrals. She was still confused on why she was just now seeing them, but before she could ask, Luna said “Oh look! Im most certain I just saw a nargle!” and took off in the other direction. 

“She does that quite a bit doesn’t she? And no, I have no clue what a nargle is.” Harry rolled his eyes and pointed at the carriages. “Do you want to share a carriage with Ron, Neville, and I? Hermione and Ginny went off to get Luna before she does something drastic.” Lylah wearily looked at the thestrals again and then climbed up to the open seat next to Neville. “Lylah, you look pretty sick, are you feeling alright?” Neville immediately was concerned by the look on Lylah’s face. As soon as they started moving and heading towards the castle her stomach flipped. Oh gosh, there was no way she was about to throw up in front of three boys. “Uh, yeah..Just..I’m, um..” she stammered trying to come up with an excuse for her green face. “Are you carriage sick?” Ron was now sitting next to her and feeling her face. His hands were warm and sweaty and it made the nausea way worse. “Uh, Ron, I think maybe you shouldn’t do that, your hands are always a bit sweaty, here.” 

Suddenly ice cold hands went on her forehead and neck, and it couldn’t have felt any better. “Maybe we should take her to Madame Pomfrey and skip the first years ceremony. What do you think Harry?” Neville took his jacket off and draped it on Lylah’s shoulders as she started shaking rapidly. “Sorry Lylah, but Harry and Neville can take you, two people is enough, besides, I don’t want to miss the feast.” 

Little did Ron know, Lylah didn’t hear a word he said. Everything was spinning around her and her eyes became blurry and unfocused. The last thing Lylah could comprehend was the carriage stopping, yelling, and a flash of green light. Then her world faded away into a black abyss. 

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