“Okay.” Everyone answered and went their separate ways. I walked the old, empty, dark, corridors of the old part of the school. I was lost in my own thoughts. So many of them were about Bree.  I couldn’t believe she would date Clayton. They don’t even seem like they should get along, but yet they do.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a sound. I couldn’t tell what the sound was, but I heard it. It kind of sounded like a shoe squeaking on the floor. I quickly looked in every direction to see if anything, or anyone was near me but there was nothing. I started walking again, but this time none of my thoughts were on Bree. The only thing I was thinking about was what made that sound.

I heard the sound again, but this time I saw where it came from. It was coming from Clayton’s shoes. He had Bree on his shoulder, and was heading in the direction of the door to the parking lot. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted the guys.

I found Bree. Clayton’s carrying her out towards the parking lot.




Just as I sent the text, I looked up to meet another pair of eyes.

“You are not going to rat me out.” Shane growled and punched me square in the temple, knocking me unconscious. If only I had seen him coming.


I woke up with a throbbing headache. I tried to sit up, but I just couldn’t it hurt too much. So instead I just looked around the room from the floor.

It was a really simple room. There was a dresser, a T.V, and a bed. The walls were a grey colour, and the floor was simple cement. It was seriously hurt my back sitting on it. I made an attempt to stand up, but fell back down because my hands and feet were taped together.

“Fuck this.” I grumbled and laid completely on the floor. I began to roll in the direction of the bed. Once I hit it, I began to slowly stand up, leaning against the bed for support. When I finally was up right I noticed another bound figure lying motionless on the bed. I quickly hoped up on my bed and wiggled my way over to the person’s head.

My eyes widened as I realised I was sitting beside a bound up, sleeping, Bree. I could tell she was sleeping because she was snoring lightly. I leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Bree. Please wake up.” As if my voice was an annoying alarm clock, he eyes flew open.

“P-Parker? What are you doing here? Wait, where is here? Why is your face bruised?” She shot a million questions at me in under 10 seconds. It was all in a hushed voice as not to alert anyone who might be listening to us.

“We all went to find you. We were worried when you and Clayton stomped off.” I answered her first questioned. I could see the look of guilt fill her eyes. “We were never mad at you Bree. We were just really scared for you.” I added.

“I don’t deserve friends like you guys.” She whispered letting a few tears hit the bed.

“Don’t cry. We can’t show weakness of any kind.” I said quietly, yet firmly, and I meant it. Weakness is never a good sign.

“Okay.” She took a deep breath, and rubbed her face against the bed to get the tears off her face. “So where are we?”

“I have no idea. When I was looking for you, I kind of ran into Shane. He’s the one who gave me the lovely bruise on the side of my face.” I explained.

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