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This is my first ever Chandler Riggs/Punk Chandler/ Carl Grimes Book or FanFic.

I have A Reyton book out called Blinded.

I won't be very good at this and if there are spelling errors or wrong information, I'm not that good.


A R I E L' S P O V

"Ariel!" My mum called from downstairs, "The moving truck has your Boxes. Come down here."

I walked down the creaky wooded staircase to my mum. The U-Haul truck was parked on the side of the rode.

There were boxes stacked with labels written on the surfaces. I grabbed the closets one and headed up to my room.

"Pictures and Paintings" The Marker stained onto the side of the box.

I ripped off the tape and held a old photo. It was before my father divorced my mum and took my older brother. When we all looked so happy and loving.

While hanging the old photo, I thought about my brother. The last time I saw him. There was no way to talk to him.

My father took him acrossed The United States, somewhere I would never be able to see his face.

His name was Daniel. I am pretty sure he is about 17 years young. The last time I seem him was when he was 13 years young.

"Sweetie, The rest of your boxes are in the dinning room," Mum hollered.

The Picture most not have been on the Peach pink walls right because it shattered while I ran to get my other Boxes.


Four long and hard hours have gone by of unpacking. My walk in closet was filled with my many different vans and converses, Band t shirts and long sleeves, beanies and hair accessories, and many more things.

The many shelves held my Light toned skinny jeans while my three open draws filled with Dark toned skinny jeans.

Across the hallway there is a guest bathroom and I have my own to the right of my closet. There is a small shower and a closet for towels. On the wall is a mirror that has photos of old friends from my school all around it. Makeup and more hair accessories scattered on the counter.

Besides my queen sized bed is a bedside dresser. It was small. A good place to hide my blade.

My mum knows I used to cut myself but doesn't know that I still do. The last time I did cut was about a week ago.

We just moved to Atlanta Georgia this morning. You might have been able to tell by me unpacking.

I sat down on my bed completely exhausted. My eyelids getting heavy.


My IPhone went off. It was a text.

Oliver: I miss you so much Al <3

I texted back. Oliver was one of my best friends until I moved.

Me: I miss you more Liv :)

Oliver: When can I come over? ;)

Me: I moved to Georgia, not across the street, lol.

Oliver: True. Have fun living there :*

Me: I will. There are some really cute boys here. Bye Liv.

Oliver: Bye Al.

I miss that big dork. He was so understanding. If I ever needed to talk, he was always there.

Oliver also cuts himself. Almost all my friends don't but a handful do.

Are there really cute boys here? It's not like I will bump into one tomorrow.

Today is Friday and I start my first day on Monday. If there is any people like me, I would get some friends on my first day.

I took my hair out of its messy bun and brushed it. My hair goes down to my hips.

After I brushed my hair I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I took out my lip piercing for the night and washed my face.

Openning my walk in closet doors, I grabbed a pair of shorts and a Sleeping With Sirens tank top. I crawled into my warm bed and soon fell aleep.


How did you readers like the first chapter?

Anything you want me to change or do differently?


Stolen//Punk chandlerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon