Chapter Eight - Meeting the pack

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After hugging Cub for about a minute or so, with each passing few seconds whoever was growling seemed to get angrier and angrier, I turned in his lap and decided to would be best to actually look at everyone, including Izzy's in-laws.

Since I was facing the vampires, I decided to look at them first. First was Izzy, but as I already know what she looks like, I went onto look at her husband, Edward I think. He had short copper colored hair, which looked just a bit really greasy. One thing that I noticed he had was gold eyes, just like the first vampire I saw when I first woke up here. In fact they all did. Well besides Izzy, but her's were turning gold, and her daughter's, whose were the same color Izzy's was when she was still human. And almost the same color as mine. Anyway, he, like all vampires, had very pale skin and it looked creepy flawless. That probably had to do with HIM, or the fact that even though Dominic was my vampire side, he didn't have flawless skin. His was just like mine, only a bit paler, just like Derek's was a bit tanner. He was wearing a dark blue, slightly baggy, shirt, brand new looking blue jeans and a pair of new looking sneakers. Not sure what kind though. I looked at Izzy's daughter next. She had the same color hair as Edward, only had Izzy's style to it. She, like I had said earlier, had the same eyes Izzy used to have and was a little paler than Izzy was as human, or me really. Her skin was probably about the same color as Dominic's.

Edward and Izzy were sitting on a love seat, with their daughter on Izzy's lap. It was clear that Edward loved both Izzy and his daughter greatly. Which is good, because while I wouldn't hurt him if he didn't, Dominic and/or Derek would most likely have found a way to. 

Next was a pixie-like woman, who looked a little bit shorter than me. She had very short dark brown, almost black, hair that was cut in a pixie cut. She was wearing a grey shirt, it's pattern almost looked floral, and had a darker grey vest-like jacket on over it, which ended just below her chest. She also had dark brown wide legged pants, with bright pink high heels on. I could also see that she was wearing black rose earrings and had a black purse next to her on the couch she and three other vampires were sitting. On the purse, I could see a huge white rose imprinted on it. Looking back at her face, I noticed she was giving me a huge, but slightly sympathetic, smile. I shyly smiled back before looking at the vampire next to her. He was a lot taller, not sure if he was taller or shorter than Edward or Cob. He had short wavy blonde hair that was brushed back behind his ears. He was wearing pretty much the same thing as Edward, only a bit baggier and instead of a blue shirt, his was black. He had a slightly pained look on his face, almost exactly what Dominic's face looked like when I was given blood each month. 

Looking at the vampire next to him, I saw a beautiful blonde vampire. She was looking at the dark skinned people with a slight glare and her nose scrunched slightly. It was just then I really noticed all the vampires had that, only they all seemed to be trying to hide it, while she wasn't. She had very long hair, at least compared to everyone else. Her hair had a slight wave to it and almost reached her hips. She was wearing a purple horizontal striped sweater-like shirt, with medium length sleeves and ended at her hips. She also had on a pair of slightly faded blue jeans with black boots. She had a gold necklace on, that was very noticeable with her skin and the shirt. Next to her, with his arm around her shoulders, was a VERY muscular guy. Honestly he kind of scared me just by how huge he was. Fortunately I could tell he was actually really nice despite his appearance, by his goofy smile and the shine in his gold eyes. He had short curly black hair that stuck up on his head. He was wearing a, tight, green shirt, blue greens and sneakers just like the blonde male and Edward. 

The last two vampires, who I'm guessing are the 'parents' of them all. The woman had shoulder length brown hair that framed her heart-shaped face and had that motherly look about her. She was wearing a light purple blouse, dark blue pants and white heels. Next to her was the vampire I had seen when I first woke up here. He has short blonde hair that was slicked back. He was wearing a white dress shirt, black slacks and shiny black shoes. I looked at the group that had just recently gotten here and noticed that besides the fact that they all had black or dark brown hair, only the girl had a shirt on. And none of them had shoes on. All of the guys only had a pair of shorts on, including Cub, and were all fit even though they were pretty much all different heights. 

When I turned to look at the two who were closet to Cub and I, showing the birthmark on the left side of my neck, both of the boys' eyes widened. "Danny?" One of them asked and I tilted my head while I stared at him, trying to figure out why they both looked so familiar. 

After a few moments, I realized who they were and smiled slightly. "Quil? Bry?(Sounds like Bree)" I asked and they jumped from their seats and pulled me off of Cub's lap so they could squish me in between them both. Which caused someone to growl, lowly, again. I tried to look passed them so I could try and locate who keeps growling, but seeing as I'm only 5'6" and they were both at least 5'11" that was impossible. 

Seeing as they both refused to let me go, and I'm both too small and still very weak, I couldn't get out of their grips. Especially seeing as, as soon as I had almost managed to, they only tightened their grips. Cub managed to get them both to FINALLY let me go, which seemed to stop whoever was growling and pulled me back onto his lap and handed me back Paulie seeing as I had dropped him when Quil and Bry pulled me up. That although caused them to start growling. Again. But oddly enough it seemed that I was the only one who could hear him as no one else even seemed phased by it. Well, Danny, seeing as you are one third vampire and one third shifter, it is possible that your hearing is better than everyone else's. Derek said speaking for the first time in since we got back down here. 

Maybe. I thought back hugging Paulie tighter.

Hey, Danny, you should probably pay attention. I think Izzy has been trying to get your attention for about a minute now. Dominic said chuckling slightly as I shook my head and looked at Izzy, who was staring at me almost like she was waiting for an answer. 

"What?" I asked tilting my head to the side subconsciously like I always did when confused. 

"I asked if you are paying attention so can finish introducing The Cullens and then introduce Jacob's friends." She said and I nodded, blushing as I leaned back into Cub. Unsurprisingly when I did that, I heard the growl again. I really wanted to know who kept growling! "Anyway I already introduced Edward, right?" She asked and I nodded so she could continue. "This is our daughter Renesmee. I know she looks much older, but she is really only about a year old now." Izzy explained and I nodded guessing it was something like that as there was no way she was really three years old. "That is Alice and her husband, Jasper. Rosalie and her husband, Emmett. And Esme and her husband, Carlisle. They are the 'parents' of Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett, and my in-laws. Carlisle is a doctor at the hospital." 

We kind of guessed that seeing as he was tending to our wounds when Danny first woke up. Dominic said mentally rolling his eyes and Derek slapped him upside the head. 

Shut up, Dominic!

Why don't you make me, Mutt?!

Oh I will, Leech! Derek yelled right before tackling Dominic and they started fighting so I turned my attention back to Izzy seeing as they will be going at it for at least ten minutes. 

"Hi." I said once I realized they were waiting for some kind of response from me before Izzy continued. 

"Seeing as you remember Quil and Embry, I can skip right over them." She said and ignored them when they yelled 'hey!' "Next to Embry is Seth and his older sister Leah." Seth looked like he was at least a year younger than me, by his face, but was clearly taller than me. His sister, I'm guessing was at least twenty and was very pretty. Although it was kind of ruined by the scowl that seemed to be glued to her face. Much like Rosalie's. "Then there is Collin and Brady." They both looked to be around thirteen or fourteen and I noticed Collin was staring at Leah with an adoring expression on his face. Clearly he was crushing on her. "Next is Jared and Sam." Sam had a leader sort of aura to him, much like Carlisle and Cob, and looked like you didn't want to mess with him. Jared on the other hand looked much nicer and more laid back. Although I don't know by how much. "And lastly Paul." She said pointing over at him. I looked at him and as soon as I looked into his brown eyes, Derek who had managed to pin Dominic and was able to punch him, froze and even after Dominic shoved him off didn't move nor did he talk. 

What just happened? Dominic asked just as confused as I was. 

I have no idea. I said as I looked Paul over. He, like the other guys, had no shirt. Which showed off his sixpack and some strange tattoo that was on his right shoulder. In fact all of them had one identical to his. He had short black hair that was sticking up off the top of his head, was at least 6'2" and quite frankly he was hot. Not much else to say, but that. Although one other thing I noticed was that he was the same expression on his face that Derek did right now. 

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