Chapter Four - It's not your fault

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"...he wouldn't have been kidnapped!" I heard Izzy yell from downstairs, waking me up. I groggily sat up in bed, wincing when my ribs throbbed painfully, and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I slowly got off the bed and opened the door to the hallway. I could hear Izzy down the stairs telling whoever those other vampires were what happened the day I was kidnapped by HIM. I knew she felt it was her fault, but it really was mine. If I had just told her I was gay sooner none of it would have happened.  

I got to the bottom of the stairs by the time she had finished. I saw her sitting on the lap of one of the vampires and he was rubbing her back. "It's not your fault, Izzy." I said and everyone looked over at me. Izzy quickly got off the vampire's lap and rushed over to me. "I-I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid you would hate me because of it." I whispered into her shoulder as she hugged me tightly. 

"I could never hate you, Danny." She whispered kissing the top of my head. 

After a few minutes, she stepped back and turned me so I was facing the other vampires with her behind me. I nervously looked down at the floor as I wrapped my arms around my mid-section as she was holding onto my shoulders with a tight enough grip so I couldn't run and hide. "Danny, these are the Cullens." She said softly and they all either smiled, waved or both. 

"Hi." I whispered blushing slightly as I continued to stare at the floor. 

"Danny, this is"

"Your husband?" I asked knowing she left a little bad that she had gotten married while I was well kidnapped and all. 

"How did you...?"

"It's quite obvious as the little half-vampire girl looks like you both and seeing as your both vampires..." I trailed off ignoring the shocked expressions from all of them, except for Izzy' daughter.

"Danny, how did you know we are vampires?" Izzy asked moving so she was in front of me again. I looked back down at my bandaged feet as my eyes started tearing up not wanting to be reminded about HIM. 

Danny, you need to tell them. They could help. Derek softly whispered in my mind almost as though he was right behind me whispering into my ear. I shook my head as the tears started falling and could feel the panic attack coming. 

Danny, it's for the best. Dominic said strangely agreeing with Derek. Although they often agree when it comes to topics like this. Especially as HE could come looking for you. He said quietly and I could feel the panic attack hit me with full force, causing my wolf ears and tail to sprout up again and my whole body to violently start shaking. I could faintly hear voices, both inside and outside of my mind, speaking, but couldn't understand what they were saying and the next thing I know I'm once again plunged into darkness. 


"It's not your fault, Izzy." I heard from the left and turned. I saw Danny at the bottom of the stairs and quickly rushed over to him. "I-I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid you would hate me because of it." He whispered into my shoulder as I hugged him tightly to my chest. 

"I could never hate you, Danny." I whispered into his ears as I kissed the top of his head. 

After a few minutes, I stepped back and turned Danny around so he was facing everyone and I was behind him. I kept my hands on his shoulders in a firm enough grip so I wasn't hurting him, but he also couldn't try and run and hide. I watched as he looked down at the floor and wrapped his arms around his mid-section, the same thing he always did when nervous and smiled slightly. "Danny, these are the Cullens." I said and all of them either smiled, waved or both. I was kind of surprised that even Rosalie did, but I guess that was because of what he had been going through these passed years. 

"Hi." He whispered and I could faintly see him blushing as he continued to stare down at the floor. 

"Danny, this is" I trailed off suddenly feeling really bad that during the past few years I've fallen in love, gotten married and had a daughter while he was being held captive. 

"Your husband?" He asked quietly.

"How did you...?"

 "It's quite obvious as the little half-vampire girl looks like you both and seeing as your both vampires..." He trailed off looking at a wall to the left away from all of us. 

"Danny, how did you know we are vampires?" I asked moving so I was once again in front of him. Something about him knowing what we were didn't set well with me and I really hoped it didn't have anything to do with whoever kidnapped him, but that same something told me it did. He looked back down at him feet as his eyes started tearing up and he tightened his arms around himself. "Danny, sweetie?" I asked as he shook his head. 

I watched, worried, as the tears started falling down his face and only a few seconds later his whole body started violently shaking as the wolf ears and tail sprouted up again. I could hear everyone speaking in the background as I tried to calm him back down, but was unsuccessful and he soon fell limp in my arms again. 

I watched, kind of numb, as Carlisle walked over to me, took Danny from me and rushed him back upstairs. "Edward...?" I asked turning around and looked at my husband. 


"Danny, how did you know we are vampires?" Bella asked as she moved back in front of him. Everyone was silent wanting to hear his answer, but instead he started crying. 

Edward, he's starting to have another panic attack. Jasper thought to me as Bella tried to get him to answer her. I concentrated onto his mind to see if I could catch anything that would answer it as he clearly couldn't do that himself. 

Danny, you need to tell them. They could help. A voice that sounded like Danny only gruffer said in his mind. 

What in the world? I thought to myself never once hearing more than one voice from someone's mind before. Maybe it has to do with what happened to him? 

I listened in again and heard another voice, but this one sounded deeper, almost more manly if that makes sense. Danny, it's for the best. Especially as HE could come looking for you. The other voice said, effectively scaring him further. 

NICE GOING, DOMINIC! The first foreign voice yelled as Danny's body began to shaking violently. 

I DIDN'T MEAN TO! The second voice, or Dominic, yelled right back. 

How stupid can you be? You know that even thinking about HIM causing Danny to have a panic attack and then you go telling him that HE could come looking for him?! 

Well it's true! 


Before I could hear anything else, Danny passed out and both voices seemed to pass out with him. Carlisle quickly rushed over to Bella, took Danny from her arms and rushed him back up the stairs to the medical room. "Edward...?" She asked turning to me and I could tell, even without Jasper's thoughts or the ability to read her mind, that she was freaking out worrying about him. 

"I didn't get anything about how he knows." I said standing up and pulling her back to the couch. 

"...Oh..." She said staring forward. 

"...but I did figure something out." 

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed looking at me, along with everyone else. 

"He seems to have two other minds in his. I don't know if it is some sort of creation that he created over the past four years to have someone to talk to or if it has something to do with whoever the person is that kidnapped him." 

"Is there anything else you can do?" She said leaning against my chest. 

"If you want I could try and see if I can see what he is dreaming about. It may help." 

"Please." She whispered and I nodded kissing her head before concentrated on Danny's unconscious mind. 

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