Chapter Eleven - Blood lust

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I wasn't going to update this just yet, but decided to because this was fresh in my mind right now. I won't update again until the other stories are up to ten chapters, or maybe eleven...whatever.


It had taken them almost an hour to finally get Paul to get off me and turn back into his human form. At that point Dominic had unblocked Derek, only to block him again when he whined about Paul leaving to turn back as he would be naked afterward. Which Dominic and I found strange, not sure about Derek, but he was probably being all pervy, because when any of us shift we don't lose our clothes. They turn into our fur...or something. I don't know what happens to my clothes. Nor do I really care. 

"Danny, are you alright?!" Izzy asked rushing over to me as soon as Paul was out of the house and before I could even answer her, she made me stand up and searched for any new wounds. Also she checked the wounds I already had to make sure he didn't hurt me further or something. 

"Izzy, I'm fine." I said as I moved away from her while trying to keep her hands away from me. Although I did wince slightly when I stepped away from her, forgetting that my feet were injured and she unfortunately took it the wrong way and when Paul came back in tried to maul him. "Izzy." I said as Emmett held her back from hurting him. "Izzy...Izzy...IZZY!" I yelled getting a little tired of her ignoring me and everyone stopped to look at me in shock. "He didn't hurt me, my feet were already injured and it just hurt a bit when I stepped away from you." I explained and she stopped struggling against Emmett so he let her go. She glared at Paul for a few seconds before walking over to Edward and Renesmee, which I needed to think of nickname for. Her name was just SO long. 

"Nice job, Paul." Embry said snorting slightly and instead of saying anything back, Paul just punched him and he stepped back onto a piece of glass from the coffee table Paul had kind of destroyed. Embry hissed him pain and and sat back down on a chair lifting his foot up. In doing so, the scent of his blood wafted over to me and I could feel Dominic becoming fully alert and tensed as this was the very first time either of us has smelt fresh blood. 

Apparently when Dominic focused on the blood, he stopped the block on Derek as he was only paying attention to the smell of blood and I could feel him trying to take control. Unfortunately his blood lust was stronger than my resistance and he took control.


I managed to take control and tried to get to the fresh blood, but unfortunately Danny and Derek managed to keep me in place so I couldn't. Which only angered me as I needed the blood and I tried moving so I could get to it, but they were managing to keep me from moving at all. "Dominic, don't!" Danny said as he and Derek held onto my arms to keep me in place. One thing that always interested me. Whoever was in control could be stopped from doing something or even moving, if the other two held our mental self in place. Although right now it only really annoyed me because it was stopping me from getting to the delicious blood. "Come on, Dominic, you don't want to do this!"

"Actually, yes I do." I said struggling against them. Oddly enough I knew my physical body wasn't moving so I probably was completely rigid right now to everyone else. 

"Come on you stupid, Leech, don't attack Embry." Derek growled as I started struggling with them even more. 

"Dominic, why don't you go hunt something instead?" Danny suggested and I stopped all fight against them. 

"You would let me go if I do?" I asked looking back at them sceptically. 

"Yes, but only if you promise to leave Embry alone." He said and looked at Derek who reluctantly nodded. 

"Fine." I said and they let me go, but stayed close in case I tried to attack Embry again. I closed my blood red eyes and took in a deep breath. At first all I smelt was the vampires and shifters around me, including Embry's fresh blood, but then I smelt something that smelt even better than his blood. I could feel the saliva buidling up in my mouth as I took another deep breath trying to pin point where the creature that held the blood was. After a few seconds I finally managed to figure out where the creature was I took off toward it. Somehow going through the window without breaking the glass, or hurting us. 

Everything blurred around me as I ran toward the tree line, shifting into my six month old wolf pup just as I reached it so I could go faster. (You see Danny's wolf pup form is three months old, Dominic's is six months old and Derek's is nine months old.) I was a bit larger in my wolf form than Danny was, but we had the same coloring. Only my eyes were red instead of brown. Derek's wolf form is around nine months old, so he was the largest out the three of us and his eyes were yellow, just like his eyes were in human form. 

I continued running toward the creature that held the wonderful smelling blood, while smelling other creatures that had equally delicious smelling blood, and as soon as I found it, I pounced biting it's neck. Fortunately I had natural hunting instincts, or I would have probably failed at landing on it when I pounced. It struggled against me and tried to knock me away, but I had an iron grip on its neck refusing to let my very first fresh meal escape me. 

After a minute or two, it finally stopped its fight and slumped to the ground dead. I shifted back into my 'human' form and drank my fill. Only leaving a tiny bit of blood behind. I stood back up wiping my lips with the back of my hand and let Danny take back control as I had been satisfied with my meal. 


I blinked a few times as Dominic gave me back control and looked down at what he killed. "A deer?" I asked aloud when I saw the dead doe at my feet. 

"You killed a deer." I said looking at Dominic, who seemed a bit out of it. Well it was the first time we've ever had a fresh meal of blood. 

"I wonder why that smelt better than any human blood HE ever gave us." Derek said tapping his fingers to his chin. 

"Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm the only part of us that drink blood." Dominic said and we both looked at him confused. "Well think about it. Two thirds of us don't drink blood, you both eat food and drink water. While I'm the only part of us that drinks blood. Maybe because of that I'm more attracted to animal blood as I don't want to drink human blood because Danny is our human part and it goes against Derek as well. It would only stand to reason that I would be more attracted to animal blood than human." 

"Wow, that was very smart...too bad it came from a stupid leech." Derek said, purely to piss him off. Although oddly enough Dominic seemed to calm from his meal to care what Derek had to say.

I looked around where Dominic had taken us and realized I had no idea where I was. "Um...Dominic. please tell me you know how to get back to the house." I said as I began freaking out a little and my ears and tail came out with my ears folded down against my head and my tail wrapped around my waist. Both of them seemed to go completely silent and when Dominic swore I knew he didn't know how to get back. 

"Try going to the direction behind you. I'm sure that is the way back." I decided to follow his idea, hoping it was the right way to go. 

Her Little Brother (Twilight) BoyxBoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें