Chapter Eighteen - Explanations begin

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 I stretched my arms and back as I woke up, sleeping sitting up on a couch it not that comfortable, and looked down at my lap. I froze for a second when I realized Danny was no longer on my lap where he was when I fell asleep, as he refused to let me go in his sleep much to Bella's distaste. I quickly jumped to my feet, my feral side wide awake and alert trying to locate him, almost stepping on one of the guys who were on the ground. "Paul, don't worry...Danny's simply upstairs taking a shower." I heard Esme say right as I was about to start searching for him and turned around to see her standing in the doorway that led out of the living room. 

I calmed down a bit and listened for a few seconds and could in fact here a shower upstairs running. "Right." I said calming down even further and sat back down on the couch as I remembered that he did need one. His hair alone was very dirty and his body I doubt was much cleaner. My feral side had calmed down completely when I realized Danny was just upstairs, thanks to Esme telling me of course, but now he was growing a bit...agitated. And I was finding it a bit difficult to keep my mind off the image of Danny in the shower. 

Fortunately my thoughts were interrupted when the front door opened and for the first time I actually was happy to see Bella. Although that was only because I really didn't want to get excited by those thoughts and have to explain to anyone why. Other than that I was not happy to see Bella, and neither was my feral side. Both of us were still pretty pissed about her trying to take Danny from me when we got back from Billy's. You would think she would be less...b*tchy...seeing as Jake imprinted on her daughter of all people. At least I imprinted on an adult, even if he doesn't really look any older than fourteen or fifteen. But that's probably because of his lack of food and everything that b@st@rd did to him over the past four years. I think one reason Bella hates that I imprinted on him so much is because we never really got along, I mean I did kind of try and attack her like two years ago, but she was the one who started it and she should know I would never harm Danny. I already love him and, like all the guys who have imprinted, will be anything he needs me to be. I just hope that something is a lover and boyfriend. Of course I will be soully his best friend if that's what he needs me to be.

As they walked into the living room, Nessie ran over and jumped onto Jake who was sleeping on the floor while Edward and Bella stood at the entrance to the living room. Edward was calmly looking around the living room at all the guys who were still sleeping while Bella, of course, glared over at me. "Where's Danny?' She asked, clearly not nicely, and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at her. Although that didn't stop my thoughts, which made Edward look at me sternly for thinking about his wife like that, which as you can guess wasn't all that nicely. If he doesn't like my thoughts, don't listen to them. I'm not going to sensor my thoughts purely because Edward can read them. I haven't, much, since I became a werewolf and the whole pack is able to read them while in wolf form, so why would I now? 

"Upstairs taking a shower." I said leaning back against the couch and ignored her glare, which for some reason only got harder. 

"And why did you let him go alone? He's still hurt!" She growled, somewhat loudly, and a few of the guys started waking up. 

"Do you honestly want me with him while he takes a shower?" I asked and she quietened down, finally. "I didn't think so. Anyway he was up there by the time I woke up. Esme told me he was up there." I explained annoyed that no matter what I did, she got pissed at me. I mean what the hell? I'm near him...She's pissed. I'm not near him...She pissed. Make up your mind, woman!

"Bella, calm down. I'm sure Danny can take a shower without assistance." Esme said kindly from my left. It always amazed me how she could always be so nice to people. Hell even when the Volturi came and we had that big almost fight, she was still kind. I wonder if she can get angry, because it sure doesn't seem like it. Bella glared at me again, although she never really stopped glaring at me, before following Edward over to the couch where Jake and Nessie were sitting. Jake was clearly still really tired as he was sitting on the floor in front of it rubbing his eyes as he yawned. Nessie was sitting on the couch behind him messing around with his hair, and I think she was even putting bows in it. 

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