Chapter Two - Danny?!

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It has been about two months since the scare with the Volturi and everything was back to normal. Sam and I even made up and  joined the packs together, but we are both this alphas. Leah wasn't that happy about us joining back up, but since we are still technically two different packs we only hear the thoughts from Sam's pack if they want us to. She is at least happy about that. 

At the moment I was paroling for any new scents. I was kind of rushing through it so I could get back to Nessie, so much so I almost missed a new scent as I neared the border between La Push and Forks. I stopped running and took a deep breath. 

The scent was strange. It not only smelled familiar, but is also smelt like both vampire and a scent that was very similar to a werewolf, but not completely identical. I contemplated shifting and calling one of the guys to come here so we could check the scent out together, but I couldn't shake the feeling that whoever the scent belonged to would die if I didn't go to them now. 

Deciding to risk it, I sped toward the scent dodging trees and rocks as I ran. As I neared where the scent was originated, I saw a small figure laying on the ground unconscious. From what I could see from where I was standing, he couldn't be much taller than Alice and was extremely pale. Almost as though he hadn't been outside in the sun in years. He was wearing a tore, bloodied and dirty faded blue shirt and matching blue jeans. He had short dark brown hair, just barely darker than Bella's and I couldn't see what color his eyes were as he was not only unconscious, but facing the other way. Realizing he wasn't a threat, I shifted and rushed over to him to see if he was alright. I quickly pulled on my shorts and turned his head so I could see his face. 

My eyes widened and my whole body froze when I saw his face. "D-Danny?" I whispered in both amazement and shock. As soon as I was able to move again, I moved his head again and looked at the left side of his neck. "Danny." I whispered again seeing the obvious birthmark on the side of his neck. Shaking my head so I could focus on why he was unconscious, I looked at his body and couldn't help, but growl when I saw all the scars, bruises and healing cuts all over his body. I also noticed his left arm, which was bleeding and saw it had glass embedded into it. "Shit." 

I scrambled to pull my cell phone out of my pocket, glad I had thought to put it into the pocket with the zipper and quickly dialed Dr. Cullen's number. 


I had just walked into my office and sat down at the desk, when the phone on my desk rang. "Hello?" I asked after picking it up.


"Jacob, what is it?!" I asked hearing his panicked voice on the other end of the line. "Are you hurt...or is..."

"No that not it! I found a young boy in the forest unconscious. He has scars, bruises and cuts all over his body along with glass that is lodged in his left arm!"

"Bring him over now!"

"Already on it." He said before hanging up the phone and I couldn't help, but feel he hadn't told me everything, but ignored that feeling and rushed to make sure I had everything I needed in the medical room.


I hung up the phone and as gently as I could, I picked Danny up. I held him securely to my chest and started running toward the Cullens' house as it was faster than running back to my house and getting my car. As I ran I tried to keep him as still as I could not wanting to injure him anymore than he already was. I looked down at him and swore to myself that as soon as I knew he was going to be alright, I would find whoever did this to him and kill them. 

I ran for about fifteen minutes before I could see the Cullens' house and as I got closer I saw Carlisle out front. I stopped in front of him and reluctantly handed him Danny. As soon as Danny was in his arms, he rushed back into the house and I followed close behind, noticing that no one else was here. Which was good as I didn't want to answer any questions I just wanted to make sure Danny was alright. 

I walked into the medical room shortly after Carlisle and saw Danny laying on bed as Carlisle went straight to work. I leaned back against the wall and watched as he began working on Danny.


As soon as Jacob had handed me the boy, I rushed into the house and to the medical room. I heard Jacob enter the room behind me, but was far more focused on the boy. I gently set him down on the bed and went straight to work.

First of all I lifted his left arm up and frowned at the amount of glass that was lodged into his arm. I managed to turn it so I could get to all the glass without having to really move him and began pulling the glass out. 

Once I was sure all the glass was out of his arm, I washes, disinfected and bandaged his arm before starting on the rest of him. I cut his torn and bloodied shirt off and gasped when I saw the amount of scars, cuts and bruises about his chest. I could faintly hear Jacob growl lowly as I began examining him. I gently felt around the larger bruises and concluded that he had at least five broken ribs. "Jacob, could you go fill that bucket with warm water?" I asked looking back at him and pointing to the bucket to his right. I kind of expected him to say something, but he nodded and quickly left the room with the bucket. 

While I waited for Jacob to come back, I took his jeans off so I could check his legs, but once I concluded they were fine I put them back on and noticed his feet were covered in blood and dirt. Just then Jacob came back in and I grabbed a cloth and started cleaning off all the blood and dirt from his body. After he was clean I could really see how injured his was and frowned when I saw the amount of damage he had. I saw Jacob staring at him from the corner of my eye and watched as he rushed out of the room shaking with anger. 

Deciding to worry about one person right now, I started disinfecting his cuts and bandaged his chest so his ribs could heal right. Just as I had finished bandaging his feet, as they were very badly cut, his eyes shot open and he looked around the room. He looked at me, allowing me to see that his eyes were the same color as Bella's when she was human, and his eyes widened in fear. He scrambled back away from me whimpering in fear. 

"It's alright I'm not going to hurt you." I said as softly as I could as I stepped forward only for him to whimper again and to my amazement two dark brown wolf ears popped out of the top of his head and he sprouted a tail. I tried to step forward again, but he scrambled off the bed and huddled in the corner to the left of the bed staring at me with fearful eyes that were brimming with tears. I started thinking of some way to calm him down when I heard Jacob and Bella talking out front, but wasn't paying enough attention to hear what they were saying.

I took one last look at the terrified boy, who refused to take his eyes off me, and headed out of the room. I contemplated locking it so he couldn't leave and hurt himself further, but decided against it and walked down the stairs and out front where Jacob and the others were. 

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