Chapter Nineteen - Meeting Dominic and Derek

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About five minutes passed in almost complete silence, the only sound being Izzy's daughter humming as she played with Cub's hair, and it was really starting to freak me out. In that time I had curled myself up on the couch, moved even closer to Paul, as he was the only one whose silence wasn't freaking me out, and was partially using Paulie to hide behind. I think the worst part about their silence was the fact that everyone was staring at me with wide eyes completely silent. I REALLY wanted someone to say something. Anything really, I don't care what just...something. 

"Are they going to say anything? Anytime soon?" Derek asked as I moved Paulie down onto the top of my kness, which I had curled up to my chest, and was nervously playing with his fur. 

"Sure doesn't seem like it." Dominic said calmly, although he did sound a bit annoyed. I don't blame him. 

"Is anyone...going to say...anything?" I asked, or more of whispered, as I refused to look up from Paulie as I didn't want to see them staring at me. Just feeling their eyes on me is bad enough, I really don't need to see them as well. 

"You're one third human, one third vampire and one third werewolf?" Izzy asked almost repeating me word for word. 

"No, I'm one third human, one third vampire and one third wolf shifter. Not werewolf." I clarified, but when I looked over Paulie's arm and at her, she didn't seem to get the difference. I don't think any of them did really. 

"What the difference?" Bry asked confused, but I was just glad they've started talking again. 

"I'm not really sure, but I think the main difference is the scent." I explain quietly as I looked back down at Paulie and continued playing with his fur. 

"That would explain why he smells similar to us, but not exactly the same." I heard Cub mutter, probably to himself.

"I wonder if he knows we could hear him." Dominic said looking over at Derek and I with a thoughtful expression on his face. Derek and I simply turned to look at him and shrugged, although I sort of doubted that he did. 

"Wait doesn't that mean you can shift into a wolf?" Quil asked suddenly and everyone looked over at me expediently. I looked at Paul, hoping he wasn't looking at me like that, but unfortunately he was as well and it didn't help my nerves. After a few seconds I looked back at Quil and slowly nodded, a bit reluctantly. "Can you show us?!" He asked excitedly and some of the others laughed lightly. 

"" I stuttered trying to think up a reason why I couldn't right now. It would probably be best to tell them about Dominic and Derek, then have Dominic explain how I became...well you know, before I show them my wolf form. Plus Dominic and Derek should also show them their wolf forms. "Well um...before that I should probably tell you" I trailed off wondering how to tell them about Dominic and Derek. It would be much easier if one of them were in control and could explain this for me since either of them would have a panic attack while doing so. Even though Paul and Paulie seem to help me stay calm so that might not even happen. Unlikely though. 

"Tell us what, Danny?" Izzy asked and everyone looked at me wanting for me to explain. Paul although was also smiling down at me encouragingly. 

"" I said and I could feel Dominic and Derek's irritation as they wanted me to hurry up and tell them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before sort of spitting out what I was trying to say. Fortunately most of them still understood my quicken speech. "I have two other minds in my head and at times they can take control over my body."

About four different things happened after I said that...

First was Izzy sort of yelled. "WHAT?!"

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