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Next day’s morning. Elena woke up with a huge headache.

Elena: “Where am I?” she asked herself.

Caroline walked into room. “You woke up, finally.”

Elena: “What time is it?”

Caroline: “11 am.” She sat on the bed.

Elena: “Oh my God. What am I doing here? Why I don’t remember anything? Ugh, my head is burning.”

Caroline: “You got a hangover. You have drunk to much last night.”

Elena: “Well, maybe. I stopped count after 7 beers and 2 bourbons.” She said and vomited to bowl which Caroline gave her.

Caroline: “You need more sleep.” she covered her friend.

Elena: “What was I doing at the party? I don’t remember a half of it. I remember that I was dancing on the table and then… Everything disappeared.”

Caroline: “I will tell you later, now go to sleep.”

Elena: “Is there anything what I should feel guilty about?” Caroline didn’t replied, just looked down. “Caroline please tell me. When I’m drunk I do weird things, I need to know!”

Caroline: “Well… You tried to have sex with somebody…”

Elena: “What?! With who?!”

Caroline: “Noone really!” she regreted that she said that, it would be better if Elena didn’t know, or would find out later.

Elena: “Caroline!” she screamed with anger.

Caroline: “It- It was…”

Elena: “It was who? Care it’s important.”

Caroline: “I shouldn’t have told you this…”

Elena: “But you started, now finish. It was who?”

Caroline sighed “It was Stefan.”

Elena opened her month. Stefan was the last person with who she thought she did it. She couldn’t believe it.

Elena: “Are you sure?”

Caroline nodded “I stopped you. You hated me for it.”

Elena: “Oh my God. I need to apologize to him.” she tried to stood up but she vomited again.

Caroline looked at her with caring. “I’m sure he understands...”

Elena: “Don’t you get it Caroline?! I can’t do this to him! His memories are gone because of me and now this?” her eyes got wet. “I ruined his life and now I’m messing with him. This all dates, meetings… What the hell am I going?!” the tear dropped out of her eye. “He doesn’t deserve this.” She started crying hard, what gave her even bigger headache.

Caroline became sad and guilty that she said it. “What if you’re not messing with him at all?” she tried to comfort her friend. Elena looked at her confused and surprised. “What if this is what you REALLY want?” Elena stopped crying. “Damon broke up with you, right? Now you have no problem to be with Stefan. You love him, can’t deny it. I saw the way you looked at him at the double date. You wanted him for real last night, Elena. It wasn’t just cause you were drunk…”

Elena stopped her speech “No. No, I can’t. What if I’m gonna hurt him again? I can’t do this to him, I hurted him too much.”

Caroline: “He was hurt cause you are sired to Damon and slept with him. Now you’re not together, so why not to try to be with Stefan?”

Elena: “He won’t forgive me for what I’ve done yesterday…” she said quietly.

Caroline: “He will.”

Elena: “I can’t be with him. I just… Can’t…” she whispered.

Caroline: “Do you love Damon?”

Elena: “I don’t know, now. Probably not… It’s hard cause he’s not around.”

Caroline: “Do you miss him?”

Elena: “A little, maybe… I don’t know what I feel to him! I’m sired, I don’t know what’s real!” she reproached and vomited.

Caroline: “I’m sorry, I should talk about this right now. You need a sleep.” she walked out the room and left Gilbert’s house.

Elena was thinking about what Care said to her. Maybe she was right. She’s not with Damon, she doesn’t have to make him happy by being with him, cause he doesn’t want it. Maybe Stefan is the one who she really wants, but… What he thinks about her right now? That she’s a slut, a whore, who fuck somebody when she’s drunk? She has to talk to him, but she’s afraid. How can she even look him in the eye after that? ‘Stop being hysterical. Maybe it’s not that bad. Everything’s gonna be okey.’ she said to herself. She loved Stefan and she felt like she’s falling in love with him slowly. She knew she shouldn’t, she can’t hurt him again. But… She couldn’t fight this feeling, maybe she didn’t want to. ‘I’m gonna talk to him, to make everything’s clear.’ she thought. As she calmed down, she fell asleep.

erased memories; stelena storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu