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Next 4 days. Friday. It was Matt's birthday, so Caroline and Bonnie organized a party in Mystic Grill. Everybody was there: Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Rebekah, Tyler and Elena. Stefan came up a little late. As he walked in he saw Elena sitting at the bar, drinking a beer. Stefan smiled to himself. Caroline approached to him.

Caroline: "Glad you came." she smiled at him.

Stefan smiled back. He looked around the place and saw Tyler on the dancefloor. He asked Caroline "Don't you worry that Klaus gonna appear here?"

Caroline: "Nope." she said drinking her beer. "I said him to leave me alone for a little while, or I will never talk to him again, so we have some time free." she smiled at her boyfriend's direction.

Stefan: "And he agreed?"

Caroline: "Joops." Stefan was impressed. Klaus hates Tyler for betraying him, he didn't expect that an Original would give up cause of some blonde girl.

Matt came to them. "Hey guys! Thanks for coming." he said and gave Stefan a red mugin. "Do you want to play a little game with me?" he asked him and pointed at a billard table.

Stefan: "Sure. Let's go." he followed Matt and took a billard stick. Suddenly he heard a crowd screaming 'Go! Go! Go!' all over again. It was Elena, drinking whole buttle of bourbon at one time. When she finished a crowd applauded for her. He was impressed about it.

Matt: "Hey!" he called his friend. "We're playing or staring at drunk Elena?"

Stefan: "Yeah. Sorry." he turned to Matt and started a game.

Boys were playing like for an hour. Stefan won all the times.

Matt: "C'mon man! Stop using your supernatural powers!" he shouted.

Stefan: "I don't do anything!" he shouted back and laughed.

Matt: "Okey, I need a break. But next time I'm gonna beat you." he came to the bar to take some drink.

Stefan sat on the chair next to billard table. Elena was dancing on the table on the another corner of Mystic Grill. She was so drunk. Suddenly she saw Stefan and jumped off the table and walked to him, really slowly, stumbling.

Elena: "I thought you won't come." she sat in his lap and wrapped her arm around his neck.

Stefan: "I see your having fun." she nodded. She stood up and sat astride on him, started to stroke his chest. "Elena?"

Elena: "Hmm?" she didn't stop touching him.

Stefan: "Don't do something what you will regret tomorrow." he said calmly. She ignored it and came down to his abs. "Don't." he whispered.

Elena whispered seductivity in his ear "You want it. I want it. Let's make each other feel good." He was already erected by it, but he knew it was wrong. He can't do this. She was ruffing his hair, what turned him on even more. She was about to kiss his neck, when suddenly they heard someone's voice behind them.

Caroline: "What are you guys doing?" she asked insecured. They turned around, Elena laughed.

Stefan: "She's drunk." he grabbed Elena on his arms and stood up. "I'm gonna take her home."

Elena: "I am not drunk." she said accenting every single word and laughed again. She wrapped her hands around his neck.

Caroline: "I'm going with you." she said quickly.

A minute later they were in Stefan's porche. He took driver seat, girls- backseats.

Elena (to Caroline): "Why? Why did you destroy this moment?" she reproached.

Caroline (to Stefan): “What were you two doing?”

Elena replied her by laugh. “I wanted to fuck him. I mean, look at him. He’s so sexy, who girl won’t like to do it?” she laughed again. She was right, Stefan looked really hot, especially in V-neck t-shirt.

Caroline (to Stefan): “She wanted to have sex with you?” she didn’t believe Elena. Stefan didn’t say anything.

Elena answered by him “Yes!” she laughed again. “And you haven’t let me!” she reproached like a 5 years old girl who’s mum didn’t buy her a toy which she wanted.

They didn’t say anything till they reached Gilbert’s house.  Elena was laughing all the time. Stefan stopped the car, got out and took Elena on his shoulders. Caroline opened a door and Stefan walked in. He went upstairs with Elena and lay her down on her bed. He was about to leave, but she held his hand and pulled him closer to her. He lost a balance and fell on the bed.

Elena: “Please don’t leave me. I need you.” She said sad and quietly. He snatched his hand from hers and walked out the room.

He met Caroline on the stairs. “Bye.” He said fast, not even looking at her.

He got into his car and slammed a door. He was furious. He wanted her. He wanted her and he couldn’t live with this feeling. It haunted him. He promised himself that he will never fall in love with her again. But God, it felt so good having her body on his. He wanted to feel like this forever. He was falling for her and it was killing him, because he knew he shouldn’t. No matter what they had, she’s with Damon now. He’s better than this, he won’t steal his brothers girlfriend, as Damon did. He hit a whell for his whole power. He slowly started taking his breathe, to calm down. ‘I can’t do this. I’m gonna leave town in next few days and forget about her.’ He said to himself. ‘You will never love her. You will never love her. You will never love her.’ He was keep repeating this to his mind, but he knew it’s a lie. He pulled out his porche.

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