Caroline for help!

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Knock, knock, knock. Stefan and Elena stood next to Caroline's door. 

Caroline: "Oh, hey!" she was pretty suprised to see them. "What are you doing here?"

Stefan asked Elena: "Who is she?"

Caroline was totally suprised "What?!"

Elena: "I reacted the same."

Caroline: "Ugh, come in."

*Some moments, after Elena told what happened.*

Caroline screamed: "Stefan, how could you!!! You're her epic love!"

Stefan: "What the hell are you talking about?! I don't know you, both of you!"

Caroline: "Seriously?!"

Elena:"Okey, calm down."-she came closer to her friend. "Caroline, any idea how we gonna fix this?"

Caroline answered "Yes. Let's kill Rebekah. How the hell could she?!"

Stefan interfered "No, no, no, you're not gonna kill anyone. I saw too many dead bodies."

Elena: "Maybe you can talk to Klaus. I hope he can help."

Caroline: "I don't think so, we're not in good relation right now. Maybe Damon can help.."

Stefan: "What? Damon? How do you know him?"

Caroline: "Of course we all know him, sadly."

Stefan to Elena: "You know him too?"

Caroline went ahead of Elena's speech- "Of course she knows him. She fucked him and she's also sired to him."

Elena: "CAROLINE!" she gave her an angry look - "It's not the best time to talk about me and Damon." she hissed.

Stefan: "So my brother knows both of you." he turned to Elena "You look like Katherine, nothing new." Elena became sad -"I need to talk to him. Where is he?"

Caroline: "Are you sure you want to see him? I mean, he's awful! What an asshole sleep with his brothers girlfriend?!"

Elena: "Caroline, shut up!" she screamed "I know that you hate Damon, but it's not a good time to talk about it."

Caroline: "I'm sorry... Stefan?"

Stefan: "Yeah?"

Caroline: "Would you like to go somewhere with me?"

Stefan: "Like a date? No problem, you're pretty."

Caroline: "It's not... Okey, a date."

Stefan: "Where?" he asked.

Caroline: "Be here tomorrow at 10 am."

Stefan: "See you." and blinked to her and walked out of Caro's house with Elena.

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