"Yeah, I got it." I answered and looked down. I heard several other voices on the other line.

"I gotta go, stay safe.I love you." She says and I can tell she's smiling softly.

"I love you too... bye mom."

"Bye Zalea." I hang up and picked up the metal knuckle knife that laid under my pillow. I slipped it on and pressed a small button. A small knife shot out of the side. A smirk came across my features as I looked at the dangerous weapon in my possession. I opened up a drawer and lightly tapped around until I felt a part of the drawer sink under my touch. The drawer held a secret compartment and I used that at my advantage. I stuck my hand in and felt the Mason jar. I pulled it out and smirked at the bright purple liquid that sloshed around at my movement. Wolfsbane.

I sat in the car with Allison and her friend Lydia. The girl that was walking around in the woods naked, was recently found and now she's coming back to school. With us. We got out and her hips swayed. I don't really like her, she seems bitchy and rude. But Allison hangs out with her so I think I'll have to get used to her.

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked as we approached the school.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying 'We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days.' But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." She says proudly and runs her hand down her stomach. I simply raise my eyebrow as we stop at the front door. Allison turns to Lydia.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Please," Lydia scoffed. "It's not like my aunt's a serial killer." My lips parted and it took everything in me to not punch her in the face for saying such a snarky remark. I bit my tongue as she walked in. We stopped in the entrance and everyone -literally- everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Lydia. I smirked and leaned into her ear.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds." I whispered loud enough for Allison to hear as well and walked away. I smile at Allison who was trying hard to suppress a laugh. I playfully wink at her and walk down the halls.

Stepping onto the bleachers I spotted the boys down below, talking about something that seemed important due to their serious expressions and hand movements.

"It was kind of like a scent, but I couldn't tell who it was." I hear Scott as I near them. I reached them quickly and squeezed their shoulders, they both look up at me.

"Hi, Azalea." Stiles says with the same adorable smile.

"Hey, Stiles." I winked at him and a small blush took over his cheeks. His smile widened and I turned to Scott.

"What did you smell, doggy?" I ask as I sit down on the bench behind them.

Scott shot a glare before answering me. "I smelled another werewolf in the locker rooms."

Stiles turned to Scott."What if you can get him one-on-one?" Stiles asked as Scott turned to him."Would that help?"

Scott shrugged. "Yeah."

"Okay," Stiles paused. "I think I got an idea." Stiles stood up and quickly ran away from us. I pursed my lips and turned to Scott.

"You ready for the full moon, doggy?" I ask with a wicked smile on my lips.

Scott sighed. "Yes, I'm ready and could you stop calling me doggy?"

I chuckled. "No can do, I think doggy fits you more than wolfy does." I smirk as he rolls his eyes.

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