Twins First Birthday

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I didn't feel well but I still felt like you guys deserved this so here you go

1 Year Later
Today is the twins first birthday and as you know nothing goes as planned. The cake isn't here and Sim is doing a new song with Drake and Kaydence is somewhat doing the same as the twins
Sim~(runs in)I've got the cake
Lexi~Thank God
Sim~Where are they
Lexi~Probably with Kaydence
Kaydence~Mommy help me
Kassidy&Kamyrn~(simultaneously)I didn't do anything
Kaydence~Yes they did,they attacked me
Lexi~Kassidy Kamyrn,leave Kaydence alone
Sim~(picks them up)Let's get you two dressed
Lexi~Kaydence we're gonna take the cake yo the venue so you can come back and get dressed
Kaydence~No need to Ma,I'm already dressed
Lexi~Ok,let's go

With Sim
The twins are so hard to get dressed. I had to chase them them bathe them without getting water all over the place and then they wrestled with me so they wouldn't have to put anything on but they didn't win and now they're dressed

Lexi~We have 2 hours until the party starts
Kaydence~Wake me up when it's time to go(falls asleep)
Sim~Lexi is everything in place?
Lexi~Yes I checked twice
Kassidy~What we do until time to go?
Sim~You girls can take a nap like Kaydence
Kamyrn~No fair
Sim~Fine,you girls can do something that doesn't get yo dirty
Lexi~And it has to be indoors
Kassidy&Kamyrn~Otay Mommy

2Hrs Later
Lexi~Kaydence,get up
Kaydence~(jumps up)That wasn't long enough
Sim~Nothing is long enough for you
Kaydence~(looks at the twins)Mommy we can't leave yet
Lexi~(turns around)Why not
Kaydence~They are a mess
Sim~Ughhh we told you girls not to get dirty
Kassidy&Kamyrn~We sowwy
Lexi~Who gave you chocolate
Kassidy~No one Mommy
Lexi~Let's go

30 minutes later
Lexi~Otay we're ready
Kaydence~Thank God
Sim~Let's go

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