I Lost My Everything

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™Momma Melina Leaves™
Lexi POV
Today Sim got a call saying that her mother's in the hospital and that she wants to see her and the whole gang was coming

At The Hospital
Sim~Melina Hernandez
Nurse~Right this way

In Momma Melina's Room
Melina~I know that I'm not gonna make it
Jas~Don't talk like that Momma
Lexi~Seriously Momma,you gonna make it
Melina~I'm not,girls and I want you all to know that I love you very much
Sim~Momma please
Johanna~Are you sure,no one knows yet
Melina~Yeah girls I know
Doctor~Melina you're on the line
Melina~I know
Doctor~Take all the time you need
Anna~Momma are you 100% sure that you're leaving us now
Melina~Yeah girls
Kaydence~Do you have to go,Nana
Melina~Yeah baby it's my time
Bianca~May I ask but why are you here
Sim~How come you never told me you had Cancer?!?!?!??!
Lexi~Baby calm down
Sim~How long have you had Cancer
Melina~Since you were 17
Sim~Momma how could you hide it for so long?!?!??!?!?
Melina~I didn't want to worry you
Sim~You are my mother,why couldn't you just tell me
Lexi~(wraps her arms around Sim's neck)Baby just calm down and breath
Lexi~(follows her)

With Lexi&Sim
Lexi~Simyai Hernandez,what is wrong with you
Sim~She's been hiding it for so long
Lexi~She's on the line of dying and you're mad at her because she didn't tell you she had Cancer
Sim~You don't get it Lexi
Lexi~You don't think I get it when I lost both of my parents,you've had your mother all your life and you're mad because she hid one secret from you
Sim~I'm so sorry Lexi
Lexi~(crying)You're gonna go back in there and talk to your mother until she's gone,do you understand Simyai
Sim~(hugs her)Stop crying and Yes I understand
Lexi~Now go

In Momma Melina's Room
Sim~Can I have this moment with my mother
Gang~Yeah,take all the time you need
Kaydence~I love you DaddySim and I love you too Nana

With Momma Melina &Sim
Sim~I'm so sorry Momma
Melina~Its Ok,love
Sim~No it's not because I got mad over nothing
Melina~I've known you for 23years, I'm totally used to it
Sim~(laughs)Momma,that's not funny
Melina~It is but I want you to take care of your family without my help and has Lexi told you
Sim~Told me what
Melina~She's pregnant again
Sim~Nope but I love you Momma
Melina~I love you too baby (fades out)
Doctor~Simyai,may you exit

With The Gang
Jas~She's gone?
Gang~We're so sorry Sim
Sim~Its Otay at least I got to talk to her before she left
Lexi~She told you didn't, she?
Kaydence~Mommy's having a baby
Anna~So am I
Jas~Are you serious
Kiara~Can we just go home,I'm sleepy Johanna~Then leave,Nigga
Lexa~Let's just go home

A/N:How do you guys like this update?

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