Let's Begin

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Let The Series Begin™

2Years Later
Lexi POV
Tomorrow starts Sim's tour and Kaydence don't want her to leave
Kaydence~Do you have to leave(frowns)
Sim~Yes baby
Kaydence~But I don't want you to(looks at her)
Sim~I don't wanna leave you either
Kaydence~Then stay
Sim~I can't baby but I'll call you every night
Kaydence~Alright(kisses her cheek)
Sim~Thanks baby
Lexi~Come on Kaydence,Sim has to pack
Kaydence~Ok Mommy and Welcome DaddySim
Bianca/Jas~(walks in)
Bianca~Hey Chunky Butt
Kaydence~Hey Auntie Bianca
Jas~Where's Sim
Lexi~She's packing for her tour
Sim~Lexi can I talk to you
Lexi~Coming(walks upstairs)

In Their Room
Sim~I don't think I'll be back before his birthday
Lexi~Are you serious
Sim~Dead ass,My tour ends on July 28th
Lexi~Then what am I supposed to tell him
Sim~Just trust me on this
Sim~Now come on
Lexi~What if you don't make it back on time
Sim~Baby,trust me
Lexi~Don't disappoint him
Sim~I won't baby
Kaydence~Auntie Bianca and Jas left
Kaydence~Yes DaddySim
Sim~What do you wanna do before I leave
Kaydence~I don't care
Lexi~It's all about you,baby
Kaydence~Can we go to the Mall
Sim~I knew you'd say that but Yeah
Kaydence~Yay,Come on (drags them out)

At The Mall
You can't go to the Mall without a bodyguard when you have Kaydence because everyone wants to take him,like last time we came a fan snatched him up and it took us 3hrs to find him
Lexi~Where to first,Kaydence
Sim~He acts like you(laughs)

At Footlocker
Lexi POV
We almost bought everything in Footlocker if it wasn't for some random fan
Kaydence~(sleepy voice)I'm sleepy
Sim~Come on,let's go home(picks him up)
Kaydence~(falls asleep)

At Home
Lexi~What time are you leaving
Sim~Whenever Kaydence gets up
Lexi~Are you sure
Lexi~Alright,GoodNight baby
Sim~(kisses her)GoodNight beautiful

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