The Most Perfect Day.......Ruined Prt.✌

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I've been crying all night because the love of my life is gone all because of someone started shooting and I think I know who it was
Sim~Yes baby
Kaydence~I miss Mommy
Sim~I miss her too but put your shoes on so I can take you to Nana's

At Momma Melina's
Sim~Momma can you keep him until I come back
Momma Melina~Yeah but where are you going
Sim~To pick up Lexi's body
Momma Melina~Are you sure that you need to go alone
Sim~Yeah Momma I'm sure
Momma Melina~Ok baby,be safe
Sim~I will

At The Hospital
Sim~Here for Alexis Hernandez
Nurse~Go ahead

In Lexi's Room
Lexi POV
I heard someone come in but I couldn't move anything or speak
Sim~Baby I know you can't hear me,I can't do this,you're everything to me and it makes me so mad that Justine would do this to you,all I want is for you to come home alive not dead(picks her up)

At Home
Me and Bianca went to get Kaydence from Momma Melina's house and Sim walked in carrying Lexi
Bianca~They let you take her
Sim~I just walked out with her in my arms
Kaydence~Is Mommy Otay
Sim~I don't know
Jas~If they let you take her with no problem she's alive
Bianca~See if she's breathing
Sim~(touches her chest)Yeah,she's alive(sighs)Thank God

An Hr.Later
Bianca~I'm going home call me if she wakes up
Jas~Same here

I put Kaydence to bed and waited until Lexi woke up but then I heard shuffling and she sat up
Lexi~May I ask but where am I
Sim~Wait.....Do you know who I am
Lexi~I'm sorry but I don't
Sim~Are you serious
Sim~You have to know who I am
Lexi~I don't,I'm so sorry
Lexi~I think I do
Sim~Then what's my name
Lexi~Simyai Hernandez and I'm guessing we're married
Sim~Yeah we are and we have a son,his name is Kaydence
Lexi~Since I don't remember you may we start over
Sim~Yes we may
Lexi~Thank You (hugs her)
Sim~You're Welcome baby(kisses her)
Lexi~(kisses back)

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