Chapter 9

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Finally!! I Have Finally Finished Chapter 9! Exactly 1,510 words! I Think Lol :D

Anyway Enjoy!! ^•^


I had managed to make it before first hour had finished but I also didn't get as much sleep as I usually did. But the strange thing was, I didn't get the usual glares and scowls. I actually didn't get nothing but blank stares. Of course not one person spoke to me and I was starting to feel depressed. I literally had no one, not even my wolf. My parents were dead and my fosters ignore my very existence and to top it all off I had managed to lose all my friends plus Shelly. It seemed like my life was just getting worst but I at least need Shelly. She was the only friend I need to not go under. She still hasn't talked to me and it made the situation all the more worse. I have no one to talk to, no one to tell me what happened really with James. James. I don't even know what to think about him. One day I'm ignored the next he saves me from humiliation and kisses me. Freaking kisses me. I'm starting to think he was bipolar or something.

Before I could worry anymore the bell had rang signaling everybody to fourth block. Collecting all of my things, I grabbed my school bag and headed to fourth, all the way getting stares. Girls didn't sneer but I could see the complete jealousy in their eyes, they just didn't show it on their face. I didn't get why, they usually did. It looked like they were frustrated. I kept walking just trying to get to class but at the same time I wanted to go anywhere but there. I had that class with Aubrey and my seat was right next to hers. I didn't know what would happen. I wanted to try and talk to her, try and explain what was going on and leaving out the whole 'I'm a werewolf' thing.

I was the first to be in class and I quickly sat in my seat before people started piling in. I pulled out my notebook sitting it on my desk and looked up just in time to see Aubrey walk in class. I winced as I saw her talking and laughing with a girl who would always trip me in the halls. My eyes burned with tears that wanted to spring to the surface but I held them down as my throat constricted and my mouth went dry. My heart ached as she seemed to easily forget about me. Her eyes found mine and her nose scrunched up in disgust. They then trailed to her desk and she seemed irritated that she had to sit next to me as her eyes kept bouncing back and forth between me and her seat.

"Hey Aubrey!" My eyes snapped to the voice to see the girl Aubrey had walked in with, waving her over to a seat all the way across the room. My chest felt tight and the tears finally surfaced as I actually heard her breath a sigh of relief and walk over to the girl, taking a seat without even a second glance towards me. A tear finally escaped my hold and that's when I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't sit here and act like everything was all peachy. I hadn't even the strength to plaster on a fake smile. I didn't want to cry in front of the entire class, especially not Aubrey. I snatched up my notebook and schoolbag and calmly walked out. I couldn't run like I so wanted to because everyone would know something was up. So trying my hardest to not run I walked to the door and opened it, only to bump into my very late teacher, Mrs. Valerez. She looked at me and concern filled her light brown eyes. Damn it, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I didn't want people's sympathy, I didn't want people to feel pity for me. She opened her mouth to say something but I ran past her before she could utter a word. I heard the students in class laugh as I ran down the hall. It echoed down the hallways and more tears fell out of my eyes. Freaking werewolf hearing. I couldn't believe her. Aubrey had easily managed to completely forget about me and find herself some new friends. She easily tossed me to the side without even thinking twice. Had I been so blind as to not see what kind of person she really was? All the times she had slept over at my house and we shared our stories, could all of that really have been an act?

"Oomph!", my butt made contact with the floor as I ran into a weirdly warm wall. Looking up, the wall turned out to be James. He saw me and smiled but his smile fell when he saw my tear streaked face. Concern and anger filled his eyes and this time I couldn't run away because no matter how fast I run he'll catch me. He was future Alpha after all and it would be a sign of disrespect.

I shrinked back as he tried to reach out for me. I just wanted to disappear. I wanted the ground beneath me to open up and swallow me whole. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want anybody to see me when I'm vulnerable. Although it felt like he wasn't here to hurt me, I still didn't want to show weakness. Especially not in front of the soon to be Alpha.

He seemed hurt by my small but subtle movement. Before I can see why he was hurt, his face composed into a calm expression. He lent me his hand with a small smile. He didn't try to move towards me but just extended his hand to give me the option to take it or not. Of course I had to take it, it's considered rude if I didn't. So swallowing down my fear, I hesitantly reached out and grabbed his hand. He grinned as he lifted me off the ground, putting me back on my feet. I stumbled slightly and his arms wrapped around my waist. I froze and looked at him to see him already looking at me. His eyes held so much wamth I couldn't help but lean on him a little more. He was practically holding me up while his eyes smothered me. His beautiful dark chocolate eyes that held small specks of green. There was an emotion deep within those eyes. An emotion I couldn't decrypt. I stayed staring into those mesmerizing eyes, I didn't notice him leaning forward until his nose tapped mine. That's when panic stepped in. I couldn't let him kiss me again. We were in public. What am I thinking? I can't kiss him even if we weren't in public. He's an Alpha and we have our own mates. At least I had that to keep me going when I have no one else. My mate is somewhere out there waiting for me too.

His lips brushed against mine and I placed my hand on his chest to stop him. This couldn't happen. He stopped a millimeter from my lips. He was so close I could feel his warm breath tickling my lips and my body filled with lust making my mouth water and my lips get dry. I licked my lips forgetting his lips were right in front of mine. I saw as his eyes darkened when my tongue touched his bottom lip. My eyes widened as he crashed his lips on mine before they slowly closed. The kiss was lustful yet sensual. My arms automatically wrapped around his shoulders and my fingers combed through his soft brown hair. I softly moaned as he lightly bit my bottom lip asking for entrance. I hesitated but opened up nonetheless. I gasped as his soft tongue dipped into my mouth, exploring every nook and cranny. My taste buds were tingling as I tasted him. He tasted of melon. I don't know how or why he tasted like that, all I knew was that I couldn't get enough of it.

What am I doing!? I pushed him away from me and he stumbled back surprised. What is wrong with you Michelle! I can't believe I had lost control like that. Stupid hormones!

"What's wrong?", James says pulling me out of mentally scolding myself. His face held confusion and more hurt. Was I really hurting him?

"I-I-I" damn it Michelle stop stuttering! Clearing my throat I tried again, "I can't do this" I tried explaining to him with that small sentence.

Understanding crossed his features and a smirk appeared on his now swollen lips. "It's alright. Pack meeting tonight" and with that he turned and walked away, down the hall turning left and disappeared.

When I was sure he was gone, I let out a heavy sigh of relief, "What have you gotten yourself into?", I asked myself aloud. What have I gotten myself into?

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