Chapter Eighteen

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Bella's breathing evens out a few minutes later and Liam knows she's fallen asleep, "um, Zayn?" he asks and Zayn looks over at him, arching an eyebrow "she's asleep. Should I wake her up?" Liam asks but Zayn shakes his head. "Nah, let her sleep a bit, we'll wake her up when dinner's ready, if she's not awake on her own, she needs a little rest I think" Zayn murmurs. Liam nods slowly and keeps rubbing at the toddler's back, but tunes back into the conversation going on around him "that's absolute crap, Zayn" Waliyha whines glaring at her older brother, and Liam's confused, he's apparently missed a huge part of their conversation. Zayn shakes his head "no way Wali. You don't want to believe me fine, but I can tell you bringing your new boyfriend home after two weeks is just going to scare him off. Especially with how protective Dad can be" he points out. Liam furrows his eyebrows, he doesn't know what he's missed but apparently Waliyha has a new boyfriend, "you brought your boyfriend to meet him" Waliyha accuses, pointing a finger towards Liam. Zayn sighs and Liam feels him press a little closer to his side, "yes, but we've been together longer than two weeks, and I'm an adult. I don't live here, it's different" Zayn answers rubbing at his temples. Liam reaches over and gently squeezes Zayn's shoulder, Zayn gives him a grateful look, "Liam, what are your thoughts?" Waliyha asks suddenly, and "what?" Liam asks confused. "I want to bring my new boyfriend over to meet everyone, but Zayn thinks I'm crazy and will scare him off, what do you think?" Waliyha asks slowly. Liam hears Zayn groan beside him and Safaa has apparently checked out of the conversation as she's playing on her phone, Liam swallows thickly, "I think, your brother's right. You're young and two weeks isn't that long. Wait a couple more and if he's still around suggest him coming over for dinner" he answers. Waliyha huffs and gets up to leave the room but doesn't say anything else.

Liam turns to Zayn confused, "where's she going" Zayn laughs and holds up a finger signalling for Liam to wait, and three seconds later they hear a door slam and music come on upstairs. "She went to sulk in her room, she always has when she gets upset" Zayn shrugs. "So baby sister, what's new with you?" Zayn asks teasingly, and Liam watches as Safaa locks her phone to glare at her brother, "first I'm not a baby, second I made the football team at school" she answers. Liam can feel how proud of his sister Zayn is, as his boyfriend untangles himself from Liam to jump up "that's awesome Saf" he crows, "thanks Zaynie" Safaa smiles. "So Liam, what do you do, besides be gorgeous?" Safaa asks him, Zayn groans but Liam laughs lightly, "I run Payne Industries with my best mate Niall" he explains. Zayn laughs as Safaa rolls her eyes at him, "obviously, I know that. What else do you do?" she asks "well I spend as much time with these two as I can" Liam starts pointing on either side of him to Bella and Zayn."And I try to see my family as much as possible, I enjoy running,and I box a little, when I have the time" Liam explains. Zayn's chewing his bottom lip beside him and Liam wonders what he's said, but Safaa is grinning at him and nodding, "that's pretty awesome, I don't know what you see in my idiot brother, but I do know you make him happy" she says. Ignoring the obvious "it's time to stop talking" look Zayn is shooting across the room. "I mean he hasn't been happy like this, at least not in a relationship since before Bells was born" Safaa adds. Liam nods slowly, "yeah, well he makes me the happiest I've been in a long time too" he says,glancing at Zayn who is blushing and avoiding his gaze. Safaa makes a cooing sound, "alright I have homework to do, or Dad will kill me. I'm going to leave you two alone, and I'll see you at dinner" she says, before disappearing upstairs as well.

Liam turns to look at Zayn after Safaa's gone, "so how am I doing?" he asks slowly, Zayn grins,"you're a hit with the girls, and Mum" he answers. Liam relaxes into the couch, feeling a little better about this whole thing, he knows he still has to meet Zayn's father, but he hopes that having everyone else in the Malik family on his side will work in his favour. Zayn appears to be reading his mind, because he climbs into his lap, "hey, you're fine, Dad will love you, he just comes off as a little tough, but it's only because he cares about all of us so much" he assures him. Liam feels slightly better, but he's still not entirely convinced he's not going to do or say something stupid when Yaser gets home. "What if I screw it up?" he asks slowly, Zayn makes a face, leaning down to kiss him gently, "you won't, and if you do, just distract him with Bella, he's kind of a sucker for his granddaughter" Zayn laughs. Liam makes a face, and turns to look at the toddler where she's still pressed into the corner of the couch sleeping, before turning back to Zayn, "well, who isn't?" he asks seriously and Zayn shrugs nodding, but Liam can tell he's thinking something. Liam reaches up to press his hands to Zayn's cheeks gently, much like Bella likes to do to him, "what is it?" he murmurs but Zayn just shrugs, "we'll talk about it later" he mumbles, and Liam can just tell he's uncomfortable, so he lets it go for now.

Zayn curls into Liam's side after that and the pair sit in comfortable silence watching whatever movie the girls left playing on the TV when they left. But then Liam hears tires on the driveway and the unmistakable sound of footsteps coming towards the house, he turns to Zayn who is clearly trying not to laugh, "that's Dad" Zayn confirms sitting up to glance out the windows. Liam nods slowly, and Zayn laughs, "you'll be fine, c'mon" Zayn assures him, before grabbing Liam's wrist and pulling him towards the entrance. Liam frowns and tries to hide himself behind Zayn as the door opens, Zayn makes a frustrated noise and spins around to face him, "you'll be fine. Dad will like you, because I do, just breathe okay?" he asks. Liam nods hesitantly and both men turn to face Yaser as he walks through the door "Zayn, I thought that was Louis' car out there" he says by way of greeting. Zayn grins, "yeah, I needed to pick up Bella, and I wanted you guys to meet my boyfriend Liam" he explains, and suddenly Liam is being pulled in front of Zayn, he tries not to be nervous, but it's hard, "hello, sir" he manages not to stutter. It's quiet for long enough that Liam starts to worry, but then Yaser is grinning widely and reaching out to shake Liam's hand, "it's great to meet you Liam, but please don't call me sir, it's Yaser, alright?" he asks. Liam can feel himself relaxing, and he refuses to acknowledge the "I told you so" smirk on his boyfriend's face, "thanks, it's great to meet you as well" he answers. Yaser turns his attention to Zayn,"and where is Arabella?" he asks, and Zayn chuckles, pointing back towards the living room, "asleep on the couch, it was a long night" he explains, and Liam nods slowly, because long night barely covers it, actually. Yaser nods and turns to leave, "I'll leave you two alone for now, I need to get changed" he says before disappearing. Liam turns to face Zayn then, "as bad as you thought?" Zayn asks, "shut up" Liam chuckles, pushing Zayn's shoulder gently, "Daddy! Baba!" Bella shouts from the other room,and Liam grins at Zayn "duty calls" he says, Zayn just nods and the pair make their way back towards where they know the toddler is waiting for them.

A/N: Heyy!!! So this happened, Liam met Zayn's family and so far everyone seems to like him. And Bella was adorable as always. I hope you like these chapters, sorry they took so long, but I've been super busy. 
This will likely be the last update for awhile, we're moving out today and will be living in our trailer for the two weeks before I get the other house. And then I'm not sure when I'm going to have internet again, because where the house is there isn't a lot of options for internet. But I will have my laptop with me the two weeks, and I will be writing, and if I can get to the internet ever, I will try to post an update. 
Until next time xoxo 

End Up Here (Ziam AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum